Friday, August 26, 2011

Missions: Crisis Response International Training & Deploying Gospel Centered Disaster Missionaries.

While the scale and scope of disasters and international crisis steadily rise there is a new breed of missionary being trained and raised up to reach the harvest in the midst of crisis. Crisis Response International (CRI) and Executive Director Sean Malone are embracing the call and training literally hundreds upon hundreds to do the same. Through their Christ centered disaster response ministry and growing network of trained and deployable missionaries, CRI is going to areas few dare to go with real results. Originally out of Kansas City, MO with additional operations in Big Bear Lake, California the ministry is holding their Northeast training in Madison, Ohio the week of October 16-21 and attracting attention from New Yorkers willing to answer the call. CRI asks in their invitation to join them for the training, “Does your heart burn to see demonstrations of God’s love and power in the midst of crisis? Do you feel like your life experiences have led you to this moment in time and culminate in responding to crisis at the end of the age? Come join other disaster relief missionaries for a week of  intense preparation as we pioneer this new mission field together and GO reach the harvest in the midst of crisis.”
Training teams in first aid, HAM radio, chaplaincy, healing and deliverance, SOZO, conflict resolution, safe food handling, equipment operations and more (see advertisement on this page), Malone says, “CRI has developed cutting edge training on the issues involved with crisis response that are second to none. Through our simulation trainings we offer hands on experience to equip the believer.” This type of training has helped CRI deploy to areas like Joplin and Haiti bringing the gospel to those with an ear to hear. The truth is, in the midst of a crisis the harvest is ripe for the gospel. People are broken, confused and desperate. When trained missionaries go and share the good news, provide for the physical needs and see God answer prayer for healing emotional and physical pain, God gets the glory and souls are saved. CRI helps those with a willing heart to train, prepare and deploy in a professional way avoiding what they and other professional disaster response personnel refer to as the second disaster—when untrained responders show up expecting to help and end up depleting valuable resources.
CRI also charters the often rough waters of what they call “End Time Theology,” grasping that God can and has initiated disasters throughout history including those in Egypt and other cities as recorded in the Bible. While the ministry does not provide analysis of the disaster they believe it is a Christian responsibility to respond with the gospel.
Malone stated in his recent update to partners, “This season my heart is gripped like never before with the burden to pioneer a new missions movement that will train and mobilize disaster relief missionaries to the harvest field of crisis around the world.” The upcoming Northeast Training takes places in Madison, Ohio October 16-21. For more information visit

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