Thursday, August 4, 2011

Kingdom Bound 2011--It's a Wrap

This year's festival is sure to go down in the books as a memorable one. From Kari Jobe, Casting Crowns, Skillet and Chris Tomlin's closing night performance (after the incredibly long rainstorm) and everything in between, this year's festival did not disappoint.
The thing about Kingdom Bound is there is never a dull moment and plenty of options to keep you busy. At any one given time there are 2-5 different events that one wishes they could attend simultaneously. For example, seminars happening simultaneously included Carol McLeod of Just Joy! everyday at 1:30 (for women only) in the FLN Tent while Ryan Loos of RKL Financial talked money in the WDCX Tent. Jeremy Camp performed live and followed that with a line of autograph signings while Delia Knox (recently healed and walking after years in wheelchair)spoke in the Integrity Worship tent and Bob and Larry of Veggie Tales performed live in the FLN tent (OK I admit I love Veggie Tales and so do my kids :)).
Then you had the choice of what afternoon talk show to listen to from 3-6: WDCX's LifeLine with Kurt Goff along with the free Anderson's Ice Cream and Spot Coffee or FLN's Afternoon Show with Sonny Delfyette and Perry's Ice Cream and generic coffee. Both show's featured a host of artist and speaker interviews attracting those who want a closer view of the people behind the music inspiring them. This isn't even taking into account the vastness of Darien Lake's many ride attractions, the vendor tent with all kinds of cool organizations and products to keep you stimulated for hours and the plethora of people you run into from year's past and present.
Kingdom Bound, proclaimed by Chris Tomlin himself at his closing concert (where Kari Jobe also made a surprise guest appearance) Wednesday night is indeed one of the best Christian festivals in the nation and is no doubt a taste of what's to come. For 4 days, Christians from the Northeast United States and beyond take time out of their busy schedule, lay down their denominational walls, theological barriers and place Christ as King and together with nearly 60,000 others rejoice in our hope in Christ, a foreshadowing of eternity. From young to old, Kingdom Bound once again delivered on their promise to proclaim Christ through the arts and have something for everyone.

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