Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Kingdom Conference This September

Lima, NY — Elim Gospel Church in Lima is hosting the Kingdom Conference September 22–25 (Thursday evening through Sunday evening). Featured speakers are Bishop Joseph Garlington, Jack Taylor and Leif Hetland; also speaking are local pastors Joshua Finley and Pierre DuPlessis. Kent Henry will lead worship in most sessions.
     Bishop Joseph L. Garlington, Sr., PhD is the founder & Senior Pastor of Covenant Church of Pittsburgh. He is an accomplished musician, recording artist, author and scholar. His preaching and teaching ministry, known for its humor and deep insight, has made him a popular speaker at many national conferences such as the international men’s movement Promise Keepers.
      Jack Taylor is president of Dimensions Ministries, has authored 13 books and has a ministry spanning six decades. His heart is in the Kingdom of God, and he believes that true revival in the church awaits a rediscovery of the Kingdom in the church. God has gifted Jack with an apostolic insight into the word of God and the heart to communicate the fullness of God’s Kingdom to all who will hear.
      Leif Hetland founded Global Mission Awareness with the purpose of raising up an army of Great Commission Christians who will make Jesus’ last commandment their first priority. He has ministered the message of the father heart of God and the power of the Holy Spirit in 75 nations on 5 continents.
     For over 35 years, Kent Henry’s ministry has been devoted to worship leading and training. He has led worship on six of Integrity Music’s Hosanna! recordings, and he travels and ministers to thousands of worshiping believers around the world. Kent’s passion is to see true worship blanket the nations.
     Registration for the entire conference (12 sessions) is just $59 or $15 per session / $30 per day (Sunday sessions are free). For more information about the Kingdom Conference, including a promo video, registration (online or downloadable form), session times & speakers, special VIP Lunches (for Leaders & Worship Leaders), reserving a table for your ministry or product, and meals & housing, see www.elimgospel.org. You may also contact the church at kingdomconference@elimgospel.org or 585-624-5560. Elim Gospel Church is located at 1679 Dalton Road, Lima.

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