Monday, August 1, 2011

7 Must See Events at Kingdom Bound 2011 (Countdown)--Jim and Jill Kelly

Jim and Jill Kelly
Monday 3pm Worship Tent

While Jim and Jill Kelly need no introduction, their story told in New York Times Bestselling book, Without a Word by Jill Kelly has stirred and encouraged the hearts of thousands. Though their son Hunter, born with Krabbe disease suffered and later died, Jim and Jill were able to see God’s divine sovereignty through it all and came to believe in Christ through the pain. Sure to be a great event for those going through pain or who just need reassurance of God’s faithfulness even in the midst of the hardest of situations.
     At last year’s event Jim publicly made confession of his faith and confessed his years of straying from the Lord. Now back for the second year in a row, a sure attraction for men and women alike and a great chance to hear a hall of fame quarterback talk about Christ.

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