Friday, April 1, 2011

Salter’s Christian Music

By Mark Weber

Minister Nathan Salter has been running his summer Youth Music Camp for nearly a decade now, helping Buffalo-area teens understand how their talent can be used to bless God and bless others. This year, the Spirit-filled camp will take place Monday, June 27 through Friday, July 1, at Christ the King Seminary, 711 Knox Road, in East Aurora.

Salter is the founder and CEO of Salter’s Christian Music, an organization that serves the Western New York community with music lessons, skill-building seminars, music production, instrument rentals, and more. An ordained minister, as well as recording artist, Salter has a keen interest to share his faith with young people, who just seem to gravitate to him naturally.

“I encourage them to lend their musical talents toward building the Kingdom of God as church musicians/directors, music producers, and/or recording artists,” he says.

Summer camp is a great place for young people to gather from different backgrounds and meet new people who share their interest in music and the Lord. Salter’s camp includes several classes, including vocals, band, percussion and dance. While most camps have a narrow age range, Salter’s is unique because it accepts people ages 7 through 25. In general, most campers tend to be between the ages of 12 and 18.

In 2010, more than three dozen campers experienced a week that made a lasting impression on their lives.

“Some students’ lives were transformed through their acceptance of Jesus Christ as their Savior, while others’ lives were transformed by drawing closer to Him,” says Salter.

Latice Crawford, an award-winning contestant from Black Entertainment Television’s “Sunday’s Best” program, came to 2010’s camp as a mentor to the campers. She opted to stay the entire time, serving as a judge for the Camp Worship Band and for the Student Recording Artist auditions. She conducted a music seminar, and joined Salter in praise and worship during one of the nightly Youth Explosion worship services. Ms. Crawford is set to return to this year’s camp.
If you know of a young person who might like to attend Salter’s Youth Music Camp, the cost is $360 per person, and includes their own room, 3 buffet meals daily (except on Friday), music classes and clinics, recreational activities, sports tournaments, age-appropriate fellowship, nightly worship services, participation in the Awards Ceremony, campus security and more. There is a “day camp only” option available for $260. 
For additional information, please visit, call 800-698-2466, or email

--Mark Weber, the longtime publicist for Kingdom Bound Christian music festival, webs people together through his website, He also writes about Christian/Gospel music on his other site,, and makes music as a singer/songwriter at

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