Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Prayer: Makes a Difference

By Annie McCune

     Does prayer really make a my life, in the lives of those I pray for, in our nation's welfare?  That question comes into my mind this time of year when I spend lots of energy planning National Day of Prayer events.  And the only way I have found to answer the question Pray!  Prayer is two-way conversation with our Loving God.  The answer is always YES--prayer does make a difference!  
     Proof that prayer makes a difference comes by way of a still small voice speaking to my heart.  It comes by believing the written word of God.  It comes in the very real peace that floods my entire being. It comes by the answers I see in the world around me.  God listens.  He hears. He speaks.  He answers.
     My daughter is currently living and working in the Central American country of Honduras teaching at and administering a Christian school.  She and I communicate in a variety of ways depending on what is operational at the time:  Blackberry Messenger, Skype, E-mail, Facebook, her Blog, and occasionally the telephone.  I am so grateful for the technology that allows me to stay in close touch with her over such a distance.  Our love for each other compels us to take the time and effort to communicate on a frequent basis.  When I don't hear from her for a few days because the internet and phone service is out, my heart aches to connect again. I would never give up trying to reach her, nor she me.
     Our communication with God through prayer is very similar.  There may be days when you don't feel that your prayers are getting through. Please don't give up.  God is always there.  He is always waiting to hear from us, to speak to us.  If we persist, we will find the connection. 
     When I feel blocked in prayer, I often go to scripture, where I learn so much about God through the written word.   Recently my daughter and I spent several hours on Skype discussing future plans and events.  When I read her blog from the same week, I learned there had been riots going on in the city where she lives, and that the president had visited her school!  I was reminded of  how much more I can learn about my daughter by reading what she writes on her blog.  In the same fashion, I can learn about God by reading the Bible. 
     Read God's Word.  It is one clear way He speaks!  We hear his heart on issues other than the ones we bring to him each day.  It deepens our understanding and relationship with him.
     This year's National Day of Prayer theme is "A Mighty Fortress is our God," taken from Ps 91:2, "I will say of the the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust."  There is so much uncertainty and turmoil in our nation, not to mention the whole world.  We need to be communicating with God, and praying about the issues and problems our Nation faces.  I encourage  you to take time on May 5, and every day, to bring the needs of our nation before our God. Hear his heart through prayer and meditating on His Word.  Listen for what He calls you to do. Feel the protection of being found in "his fortress" with other believers. In the conclusion of Psalm 91, vs.15 certifies" When they call on me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble.  I will rescue and honor them."  What a promise from God!
     Come be part of the "they"as we pray together in one accord on behalf of our nation.  Please consider joining us for Prayer in the Square at noon in Niagara Square on the National Day of Prayer.  Pray...and watch how it makes a difference.

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