Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Praise Pictures Announces New Film

Praise Pictures just announced their second feature film called CHASING GLORY in currently in the works. Their first film STANDING FIRM was recently released on DVD last summer with a great response including sales on and as well as over 180,000 fans on Facebook. Many favorable reviews and testimonies were reported including one from Jim David of the Cinema of Faith Ministry in California saying, "I've shown 29 Christian films over the last two years at my church & when movies like Standing Firm come out, it makes my job much easier. For starters, the story feels real and relatable. The character development was engaging from the first scene, to the point that you care about the people in this film. Two things stand out for me in this film: One is that there is a greater emphasis on what happens in the life of the new believer (instead of someone getting saved to Christ in the last 10 minutes). Secondly, that not everything is "easy" throughout the process. Getting up every day and denying oneself doesn't always lead to one happy moment after another (sorry Joel), and SF offers a genuine balance here. What I really want to say here, I will not or I will spoil the endingL. I also like the approach that the main character is not and unbeliever, but just angry at God, and we get to see how God reconciles that relationship. Taking into account the budget involved, it's truly amazing to see the finished product. You can also sense that the final product is clearly a testimony to the power of prayer. I highly recommend this film and even more so, bring this film to your "community" through a public showing at your church. Share the glory and widen the possibility of softening hearts for Christ! With tools like these, it is hard to go wrong!"

Kyle Prohaska, Producer of STANDING FIRM is currently working on his next film CHASING GLORY.
In response to encouragement like this and other fans asking what is next for the Lewiston, NY based producer Kyle Prohaska, after a season of prayer, Prohaska says CHASING GLORY is the result. Currently Prohaska is working on the script. He said in a statement on his website, "When creating a movie, the script is the most important piece of the puzzle. Without a strong screenplay the film will fail, so we ask you to begin praying for my wife Denise and I as we continue development. We've been working hard and most of the story has been figured out and determined. With what we have we could llkely write the first and last 25 pages of the script right away! But, as I'm sure you're aware, screenwriting is difficult and we want to make sure we see the big picture before sitting down to really get things moving. Prayer is key to a production like this. Christ must be at the center and the builder of the house, or it's all in vain. Pray for discernment on our part, that God would be Glorified in every decision we make, and that He alone would get the Glory for what this film becomes."

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