Monday, October 21, 2013

10 Reasons to Eat Right and Exercise

BY Robbie raugh, rn

1) Taking care of ourselves honors God.   Your body is his temple and our “earth suit”.  We have a responsibility to take care of it.  It is also difficult to be a light to others when you are sick and tired.  You want to be able to not just make it through the day but to make a difference in the life of those around you!  It’s also dishonorable to be consumed by anything other than God.

2) It leaves a legacy of health for your children and grandchildren.  Your health and lifestyle habits will affect your child’s health directly and indirectly.  Good health means free of disease.  And we can prevent most major diseases by taking care of ourselves.

3) You have fun and do something healthy and social with friends.  Everyone wants to know about healthy eating and exercise!  And you tend to pick up the same habits of the people you hang out with.   So to surround yourself with people who care to live and be healthy – start exercising - and you can have fun together!

4) To have a positive self-image and confidence.  When you feel good you look good and visa versa! It’s a fact that people who work out and eat right have a higher level of self-confidence, they are more comfortable with their bodies, they feel great, they look great, they reach their goals, they get things done.

5) To increase your energy (energy produces energy)! You need energy to go out and help others!  And if you are too tired to work out, it’s usually because you are eating poorly or you have not exercised!

6)  To feel great, look great.  Who doesn’t want that?   It’s an added bonus to taking care of your health!

7) To cut the cravings!   You eat what you crave and you crave what you eat, it’s as simple as that.  It’s not rocket science but there is a science to it!

8)  To be a good role model for your kids (kids do what you do, not what you say).  If you are eating donuts, they will eat donuts.  If you are cutting up vegetables for your lunch, they will want them in their lunch.   It’s that simple.  And by the way, children want to be proud of their parents and the habits their parents have.

9)  To reduce stress.   We all have stress – but we need to learn how to manage it through prayer, exercise, mind body activities etc..   Prolonged stress leads to diseases as it decreases your immune system.   It’s not if the storms will come but rather when the storms will come.   Be prepared and bath yourself in God’s word so you have an armor of protection and are grounded.

10) To prevent disease.  You will spend the time and the money either way. You will either spend the time and the money preventing disease by eating better and exercising or you will spend the time and the money treating disease.

There are way more reasons than these to exercise and eat right – but hopefully these will motivate you to get started eating right and excercising!

Don’t forget to check out my summer detox and fall 12 week Healthy Eating Program.  Info on my web site at

Robbie Raugh, RN is a Board Certified Holistic Health and Nutrition Practioner. Don't forget to tune in to the RAW TRUTH Health and Fitness Every Saturday at 11am on 99.5FM WDCX.  Also sign up for her free newsletter at and check out my new Exercise DVD’s!

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