Friday, December 30, 2011

MUSIC: Splendor with Christian Rainville

By Kyle Patterson

"I want God's heart to be felt through the lyrics and music.  I want listeners to know that he is a great God, a creative God, a merciful and gracious God, a loving God, a sovereign God, and a jealous God in that he longs for our attention and servant hood.   I want His attributes to be portrayed through my music," explains Christian Rainville who recently released a three song EP this past September (EP stands for Extended Play a CD that contain more than one single, and less then 8 tracks), titled “Splendor” containing Rainville's songs, “Lift You Up 2011,” “Splendor,” and “What Would I Say.” The EP is a sample of what's to come when next summer Rainville plans to release a full length recording, “My goal was to make a sampler of what the full length album would be like.   I also did not want it to be perfect.  That sounds weird, even to my own ears, but I wanted the full album to be better than the sample,” explained Rainville. “’What Would I Say?’ was written in a half hour and is a bit more soulful.  The title track “Splendor” was literally birthed out of the birth of my son Isaac.
I recorded his heart beat at his last ultrasound, and as I was listening to it, I started playing a chord progression while the lyrics started flowing like a river. That track is a more contemporary Christian sound, or even a New Country sound.”
     The EP was recorded right at the Tabernacle where Rainville leads worship. Song writing and worship are an overflow of his passion to lead people into worship, something that stirs his heart every time he plays, “I love the whole spectrum of what worship does...from dancing and shouting with huge smiles on their faces to the reflective moments to the "digging deeper" more sovereign moments.  Just last Sunday, I saw a father and a young son on their knees together praying,  and I just lost it mid-song.  Moments like those are what touch the heart of God.”
     Rainville, who began writing music nearly ten years ago took it to the next level and began writing much more often in 2008 after together with the rest of the Tabernacle worship team (along with the direction of producer and band member of Blues Counsel Tony Hooper), they recorded the live album “Release the Sound.” This proved to be a tipping point in Rainville's work and he went to work shortly after and ended up with an album worth of songs with half of them being congregational worship songs and the other half being reflective, or storytelling songs.   
     “Splendor” gives us a glimpse into Rainville's heart and passion for worship and hopefully and ultimately leads us to the place of glimpsing into the heart God as Rainville leads us to the place of quietness and stillness. From the sound of it, there may be many more to come in the not so            distant future.
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