Monday, November 7, 2011

Standing United for Israel

Christians and Jews may not agree on all aspects of faith but for at least one night they put aside their differences as a diverse collection of Christian churches, ministries and members of the Jewish community came together Sunday night for Buffalo Celebrates Israel!-- an annual event and time of honor, celebration and offering of love to the Jewish Community of Western New York. This year's event, the 2nd annual, was hosted at Zion Dominion Global Ministries in Amherst. Eagles' Wings and Executive Director Robert Stearns spearheaded the effort that brought together over 25 churches, ministries and Christian media ministries to show love and support for the faith's roots--Israel and the Jewish community. The event was hosted by Pastor Roderick Hennings of Zion Dominion Global Ministries and entertained numerous significant leaders from the Christian community, Jewish community and political leaders including The Jewish Federation of Greater Buffalo and Executive Director Michael D. Wise, Congressman Brian Higgins, Council for Public Affairs at Consulate General of Israel in New York Gil Lainer, Rabbi Perry Netter of Temple Beth Tzedek in Amherst and Christian leaders including Pastor Tommy Reid, Jerry Gillis and Pat Jones--pastors of significant Christian congregations in Western New York.
     The event, mostly celebratory with song, dance and drama also addressed some of the growing concerns for both the Jewish and Christian community including the growing threat of terrorism, Islam, Iran and secular humanism. Consul Gil Lainer reminded the gathering of nearly 2,000 that Israel is the only nation in the Middle East that shares democratic values with the United States. Robert Stearns, who stunned the gathering with his solo of Israel's national anthem--Hatikv stated, "We are here on purpose and by divine appointment." Stearns stated three reasons why Christians need to stand in support of Israel, 1) Gratitude for our common faith roots 2) Repentant for past sins against the Jewish race 3) Similar rising threats against our faiths. Stearns also called upon Congressman Brian Higgins to take the message back to Washington. Brian Higgins (D-NY) commented on Israel's contribution to the world economy through various exports and technological innovations and contributions to the world, stating that, "We must stand for Israel," and "A better way of life can't be accomplished through terrorism." Michael D. Price, Executive Director of the Jewish Federation of Greater Buffalo commented, "Israel is about shared values between the United States and Israel. This is not a republican or democratic issue."
     A special love offering was also taken raising over $10,000 for the poor in Israel. Stearns reminded attendees that this really isn't a one night a year event, but what he calls an "ongoing awakening" of love for the Jewish people, something attendees of the event hope will continue. For more information on other pro-Israel events visit

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