Sunday, November 6, 2011

Doing Business God’s Way

 “Unless the Lord builds the house, [and your business], its builders
labor in vain.” Psalm 127:1

By Ryan Loos
Conventional wisdom will tell you there is a specific formula to establishing a solid, successful business. For those of us in Christ, we know that the Lord works mostly in “unconventional” ways; therefore it is necessary that we first acknowledge and seek wisdom from the Author of Life, Himself, before we pursue any type of business or ministry endeavor: “In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:6
     When we humbly submit ourselves and our plans to the Lord, not only are we seeking God’s blessing, but we are confessing that we cannot accomplish the task without His Counsel.
     If you are unsure as to whether or not the Lord is leading you to start your own business, consider the following:
1. Have you prayed about it?
2. Do you have the support of your immediate family?
3. Does your business relate to the Spiritual Gifts the Lord has given you?
4. Have other people confirmed your gifting?
5. Have you researched the current market in your area for your type of business?
Do you have the financial resources necessary to start your business without going into debt?
     If you answered ‘no’ to any of the preceding questions, then I urge you to wait on the Lord and continue praying for His wisdom and direction. For eight years, I waited, (though with much frustration), for the Lord to direct my path. In the end, God’s timing was perfect and He used those years of waiting to prepare me for the journey ahead.
     Once you are certain that God has called you to a particular business endeavor, it is critical that you and, depending on your situation, your spouse and/or business partner(s) establish and record your vision, mission statement and short and long-term goals. You know you have God’s blessing to begin, now make certain that the foundation of your business is built on His biblical principles. Business, as most of you know, has its own ebb and flow, but when our faith in Christ is constant, our emotions and decision making skills are not affected by numbers, but rather on the will of God, with confidence in His timely counsel and provision.
     We all know the phrase: “Slow and steady win the race.” Often times we are quick to respond to any positive response from clientele and expand our staff and resources beyond our capability. As I work through a company’s  business plan, I try to help them see areas that quickly need to be chaffed before the company burns.
     Initially, it is important to “test the waters” before committing yourself completely. 
When we started RKL Financial, I continued to work full time and rented office space from local churches before I was able to build up enough clientele to quite my job and rent our own office space.
     As your business grows and you begin to see God working through your company, you will receive the blessing of what your have sown. Knowing that you have made a difference in the life of someone else, for the Kingdom…there is no greater reward!
     When money or time invested causes you to compromise your faith, integrity and/or time with your family, that is a sure sign to redirect back to The Word of God. Remember King Solomon’s revelation from the Lord: “ Meaningless! Meaningless!...I denied myself nothing my eyes desired; I refused my heart no pleasure. My heart took delight in all my work, and this was the reward for all my labor. Yet when I surveyed all that my hands had done and what I had toiled to achieve, everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind; nothing was gained under the sun.” Ecclesiastes 1:2a, 2:10-11.
     No matter what your occupation or business, God has a purpose for you. Not only to carry out your duties with excellence unto the Lord, but also to make a difference for the Kingdom of God. If we compromise our faith; if we do not uphold to the biblical standards we preach, and if we do not openly operate under the Name of Jesus, then everything we do is in vain- a chasing after the wind.
     What God has called you to do, do it with all your might for the Glory of God our Father. He will bless you and while your business may not “succeed” as the world measures, your reward awaits you in heaven. 

Ryan Loos is founder of RKL Financial. RKL Financial provides personalized business coaching, career coaching and financial coaching. We also offer accounting services, tax preparation services and seminars. All of the services that RKL Financial offers are based on time-tested financial principles, with an emphasis on budgeting, cash flow management, tax planning, and debt reduction. We are endorsed and certified for our financial coaching & counseling by nationally recognized financial guru Dave Ramsey.

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