Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Our Purpose is to Worship

By Robert Stearns

There’s been a lot of talk in the Body of Christ during recent years about purpose. Maybe you yourself have questioned what your purpose is as a Believer on this planet. Having a sense of purpose in life is a noble thing. However, before we are called to anything – before we are called to preach, prophesy, raise the dead or win the lost, we are called to worship. The purpose of your life is to know and worship God.

When we engage in worship not as an activity, but as a lifestyle, we begin to touch the heart of God. From this place, signs and wonders happen. Individuals are set free. Nations get transformed. But God makes it very clear that His call to the people of Israel – and to those of us grafted in to the family of God – is a call to worship.

What does it mean to worship? Is it singing? Music? Acts of service?

Worship can be all of these things, and much more. Acceptable worship unto God is an issue of motivation – of why we’re doing what we’re doing. It is also a matter of obedience – of doing God’s will God’s way. Once this formula is in place, really anything could be considered worship unto God… Painting a mural; baking a cake; singing in the car; volunteering. Worship is the key that unlock doors of purpose.

When we worship God, something happens. Throughout all of Scripture, the catalyst for any Divine act involved God’s people worshipping Him acceptably. Abraham received Isaac back through his obedience and trust. The woman who sacrificially anointed Jesus days before His death earned herself a place in Scripture through her giving. Joshua and the Israelite army toppled the walls of Jericho through their prophetic praise. As the early Church worshipped and prayed, God sent an angel to set Peter free from prison.

If you’ll notice a common thread throughout all these accounts, it is that these worshippers based their actions on what God wanted, and not on what the situation seemed to dictate. Because they, in faith, chose to honor God in the circumstances they faced, they were able to move the heart and hand of God.

And what about us? Are we, above all else, worshippers of our Almighty God? Do we seek to obey, exalt and serve Him at all times? Too often, we relegate “worship” to 90 minutes on a Sunday morning. Friends, worship should be our very identity. Meditate with me on this verse of Scripture that has been much on my heart lately:

“Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship,” (Romans 12:1).
Do we take New Testament Scriptural exhortations like this literally enough? Do we take them seriously enough? Have we fallen into the trap of thinking that worshipping is God is optional? That it requires any less of us than everything? Have we forgotten that God’s power is linked to our praise?

Can you imagine what would happen if Christians exhibited as much passion, enthusiasm and energy in their Sunday morning worship services as they did at their Sunday afternoon football games? Do we think that God was being metaphorical when He urged us to shout, clap, dance and raise our hands in His Presence? Could the reason for our lack of physicality in worship be that our hearts aren’t in it either?

The unlimited and irrepressible power of God is at your fingertips – quite literally – when you lift your hands and heart in worship. Could it be that the answers we’re seeking – for provision, joy, transformation and healing – are ready to be poured out over our lives as we worship?

Ask God to give you a burning passion to know and worship Him. And then, start intentionally worshipping God throughout each and every one of your ordinary days. As you worship, you will find your purpose, because our purpose is to worship.

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