Friday, July 1, 2011

Interview: 5 Questions with Donna Russo

What has been the most rewarding part of running Kingdom Bound and seeing God's faithfulness to the ministry and vision?
To hear how someone’s life has been impacted or changed by a message they heard or a concert they attended during the festival is the most rewarding experience. Ministries have been launched as a result of a vision being cast by one of the speakers. We know that there are many stories we will only hear in heaven but every time a person takes time to write us and share what God did for them at a festival, it reaffirms why we do this event. Presenting the Gospel through the Arts with the purpose of seeing people come to Christ as well as encouraging believers continues to be the focus and mission of Kingdom Bound Ministries.

Starting out did you think it could grow into one of the premier festivals in the country? Probably not – I can remember each year on the second to last day of the festival the board members, staff and Fred Caserta (our President and Founder) would meet with the Darien Lake staff and announce that we would go forward for another year.  It was always an exciting time.  Now, of course, we plan the next year much earlier but it does not change our excitement and gratitude for God’s consistent provision for the festival. It truly is only by His grace that we take this walk of faith that results in the Kingdom Bound festival every summer.  We are very blessed to enjoy a wonderful partnership with the staff at Darien Lake Theme Park who allow us to fulfill this mission.

Do you have a favorite testimony of how God touched someone at the festival? Several years ago a family attended the festival as a last vacation together – the couple was heading for divorce.  They attended a seminar and had an opportunity to receive prayer and left the festival with a renewed sense of family and resolve to stay together.

What would you say to an aspiring musician trying to make it in Christian music? Pray a lot, be sure of your motivation, pray some more, be open to wise counsel and pray some more.

What is one exhibit/show/event you will make sure to see this year? Exhibit – the Kingdom Bound Justice Experience presented by Let Them LOL.  It WILL change your life. Concert – this is a tough call.  If you are a veteran Kingdom Bounder, you will not want to miss Classic Petra, Rebecca St. James or the Kingdom Bound rewind Band featuring Rick Cua (our current President), Will McFarlane, Margaret Becker, Phil Keaggy, Morgan Cryar, Michael Peace and more.  If you are newer to Kingdom Bound, you definitely want to take in Casting Crowns, Skillet and Chris Tomlin. Event – Enemy Opposition presenting extreme sports demos and testimonies is not to be missed.  For 2011 we are bringing back the Sports Experience featuring Soccer, Basketball and Flag Football – also not to be missed.

For more information please visit or call 800.461.4485.Tickets and campsites are still available for the festival.

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