Thursday, March 24, 2011

Q & A with Dr. Gary Kellner

Mantime Men's Conference is this Friday and Saturday at the Adam's Mark Hotel in Buffalo. The conference is featuring a great lineup of speakers including Allan Houston, Ron Burgio, Tommy Reid, and Dr. Gary Kellner. We caught up with Dr. Gary Kellner, founder of International Center for Christian Leadership (the event presenter) for a question and answer on the event. 

You have an international ministry with a lot of your ministry work being done in overseas, why Buffalo, why now? 

A. A few months ago, we received a clear mandate from the Lord to begin focusing on men. When I shared this with one of my closest friends in Western New York, he said, "Doc, that's great; but what are you going to do for Buffalo." That cut through me like a knife. I realized that we had never made a serious, strategic commitment to the region. I knew it was time.

The conference is advertised as being time for men, what do you mean by that? 

A. It's no secret that men in America are "at risk" as never before. Many of them are struggling to take care of their families. The culture is changing at warp speed. Traditional values are under attack. It's hard for many men to keep their footing. The prophet said, "When sin comes in a like a flood, God raises up a standard against it." I think that means that when times are tough, God shows up to show His power and glory. So, if this is a time when men are under attack, then this is God's time for men.

You have a great lineup of speakers including Allan Houston, how did you get Allan Houston to come to town? 

A. Allan and I became acquainted about ten years ago when I ministered in the church he attends in Greenwich, Connecticut. Allan was powerfully touched by the Holy Spirit in that service. It created a connection.

Life in pro sports may be every American boy's dream, but it's a tough place for young men. They have money, celebrity and a lot of time on their hands--ingredients that have proved to be a lethal cocktail for many 20-somethings. Allan performed at the highest level in the NBA and maintained a sense of balance and walked in integrity. I sensed that Allan's testimony of integrity in a very tough business would encourage men. So we asked Allan to come.

To register for the event or get more information see-

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