Thursday, March 31, 2011

Eastern Hills to Host NY State Police Officer's Funeral

Eastern Hills Wesleyan Church in Williamsville is hosting the funeral services for Tropper Kevin P. Dobson tomorrow at 11:00AM.
A 14 year veteran of the New York State Police, Trooper Dobson was killed in the line of duty while conducting a vehicle and traffic stop on Interstate 290 on March 26, 2011.Trooper Dobson was stationed out of Clarence barracks.
Arrangements as follows:


Amigone Funeral Home
5200 Sheridan Drive
Amherst, New York 14150
Wednesday, March 30 - 4:00pm – 8:00pm
Thursday, March 31 - 4:00pm – 8:00pm


Eastern Hills Wesleyan Church

8445 Greiner road
Williamsville, NY 14221
Friday, April 1 – 11:00am
It is also being reported that NY State Governor Andrew Cuomo may be in attendance.

Could Lead Codices Prove ‘the major discovery of Christian history’? By Chris Lehmann

I hope this is as exciting for you as it is for me. Chris Lehmann writes a wonderful article to discuss the landmark discover in the documentation of early Christianity. This is the first, since the Dead Sea Scrolls discover in 1947.
British archaeologists are seeking to authenticate what could be a landmark discovery in the documentation of early Christianity: a trove of 70 lead codices that appear to date from the 1st century CE, which may include key clues to the last days of Jesus' life. As UK Daily Mail reporter Fiona Macrae writes, some researchers are suggesting this could be the most significant find in Christian archeology since the Dead Sea scrolls in 1947.
The codices turned up five years ago in a remote cave in eastern Jordan—a region where early Christian believers may have fled after the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem in 70 CE. The codices are made up of wirebound individual pages, each roughly the size of a credit card. They contain a number of images and textual allusions to the Messiah, as well as some possible references to the crucifixion and resurrection. Some of the codices were sealed, prompting yet more breathless speculation that they could include the sealed book, shown only to the Messiah, mentioned in the Book of Revelation. One of the few sentences translated thus far from the texts, according to the BBC, reads, "I shall walk uprightly"--a phrase that also appears in Revelation. "While it could be simply a sentiment common in Judaism," BBC writer Robert Pigott notes, "it could here be designed to refer to the resurrection."
But the field of biblical archaeology is also prey to plenty of hoaxes and enterprising fraudsters, so investigators are proceeding with due empirical caution. Initial metallurgical research indicates that the codices are about 2,000 years old--based on the manner of corrosion they have undergone, which, as Macrae writes, "experts believe would be impossible to achieve artificially."
Beyond the initial dating tests, however, little is confirmed about the codices or what they contain. And the saga of their discovery has already touched off a battle over ownership rights between Israel and Jordan. As the BBC's Pigott recounts, the cache surfaced when a Jordanian Bedouin saw a menorah—the Jewish religious candleabra—exposed in the wake of a flash flood. But the codices somehow passed into the ownership of an Israeli Bedouin named Hassam Saeda, who claims that they have been in his family's possession for the past 100 years. The Jordanian government has pledged to "exert all efforts at every level" to get the potentially priceless relics returned, Pigott reports.
Meanwhile, biblical scholars who have examined the codices point to significant textual evidence suggesting their early Christian origin. Philip Davies, emeritus professor of Old Testament Studies at Sheffield University, told Pigott he was "dumbstruck" at the sight of plates representing a picture map of ancient Jerusalem. "There is a cross in the foreground, and behind it is what has to be the tomb [of Jesus], a small building with an opening, and behind that the walls of the city," Davies explained. "There are walls depicted on other pages of these books, too, and they almost certainly refer to Jerusalem."
David Elkington, an ancient religion scholar who heads the British research team investigating the find, has likewise pronounced this nothing less than "the major discovery of Christian history." Elkington told the Daily Mail that "it is a breathtaking thought that we have held these objects that might have been held by the early saints of the Church."
Still, other students of early Christian history are urging caution, citing precedents such as the debunked discovery of an ossuary said to contain the bones of Jesus' brother James. New Testament scholar Larry Hurtado observes that since these codices are miniature, they were likely intended for private, rather than liturgical, use. This would likely place their date of origin closer to the 3rd century CE. But only further research and full translation of the codices can fully confirm the nature of the find. The larger lesson here is likely that of Eccliastes 3:1—be patient, since "to everything there is a season."
(David Elkington/Rex Features/Rex USA)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Worship @ Buffalo Releases full 21 Day Schedule

Worship @ Buffalo, one of two extended initiatives of prayer and worship happening simultaneously in our region released their full schedule of events this week.

April 1st  7-9pm
Full Gospel Tabernacle
3210 Southwestern Boulevard
Orchard Park, NY 14127-1293
Contact Person: Kathy Cole
Contact Email:

April 2  7-9pm
Solomon’s Porch Ministries
7705 Toad Hollow Rd
Mansfield,NY, 14755

Contact Person: Pastor Gail McCrory
Contact Phone: 716 560 7767
Contact Email

April 3rd - Worshiping in Home Churches 

April 4th - 7-9 PM
 Hamburg Assembly of God
150 Newton Rd, Hamburg, NY 14052
Contact Person: Dan Cudmore
Contact Phone: 716-649-0330
Contact Email:

April 5   7-9pm
Tree Of Life Fellowship
6090 Broadway
Lancaster, New York  14086-9511
Contact Person: Pastor Kim Wilcox
Contact Phone: 685-2898
Contact Email:

April 6th 6:30-8:30pm
Southtowns Christian Center
6619 Southwestern Blvd.
Lakeview, NY 14085
Contact Person: Lisa Mardino
Contact Phone: 627-2183
Contact Email:

April 7th  6:30-8:30
Contact Person: Rob Palaszewski
Contact Phone: Day = 854-3494 // Evenings = 827-8649
Contact Email:

April 8th 7-9pm
Northgate Community Church
5225 Harris Hill Rd., Clarence, NY 14221
Contact Person: Pastor Jon Hasselbeck
Contact Phone: 716.912.5477 
Contact Email:

April 9th - Your Church Could Still Host Here

April 10th - Worshiping in Home Churches

April 11th - 7-9pm
Tabernacle Prayer Tower
3210 Southwestern Blvd., Orchard Park, NY 14127
Contact Person: Jim Slattery
Contact Phone: 984-4512
Contact Email:

April 12th - 7-9pm
Pilgrim - St. Luke UCC
335 Richmond Street, Buffalo, NY 14222
Contact Person: Pastor Jose Claudio
Contact Phone: 866-2803
Contact Email:

April 13th  7-9pm
1221 Seneca St. Buffalo, NY   14210
Contact Person: Ben Tagg
Contact Phone: 716 864 5356
Contact Email:

April 14th  6:30-8:30pm
The Chapel
500 Crosspoint Parkway
Getzville, NY 14068
Contact Person: Pastor Alan Dusel
Contact Phone: 631-2636 x 246
Contact Email:
April 15th 7-9pm
Wesleyan Church of Hamburg
4999 McKinley Parkway
Hamburg, New York 14075
Contact Person: Rachel Jeffries
Contact Phone: 525-4593
Contact Email:

April 16th 10am-Noon & 7-9pm
Buffalo Niagara Healing Rooms 10am-Noon
314 W. Ferry Street, Buffalo, NY 14213
Contact Person: Pastor Don Schiemont
Contact Phone: 884-0048
Contact Email:
His Dwelling Place 7-9pm
172 15th Street, Buffalo, NY 14213
Contact Person: Pastor Jose Robles
Contact Phone: 716-472-6455
Contact Email:

April 17th - Worship In Home Churches

April 18th  7-9pm
Church in the Wind
1526 Clinton St. Buffalo, NY  14206
Contact Person: Pastor Lynn Zankl
Contact Phone: 824-8713
Contact Email:

April 19th  7-9pm
Covenant Community Church
10039 Savage Rd. Holland, NY  14080
Contact Person: Pastor Mark Hill
Contact Phone: 716 537-3222
Contact Email:

April 20th 6:30-8:30pm
Southtowns Christian Center
6619 Southwestern Blvd.
Lakeview, NY 14085
Contact Person: Lisa Mardino
Contact Phone: 627-2183
Contact Email:

April 21st 7-9pm Finale
Full Gospel Tabernacle
3210 Southwestern Boulevard
Orchard Park, NY 14127-1293
Contact Person: Kathy Cole
Contact Email:

Sunday, March 27, 2011

ManTime founder Dr. Gary Kellner speaks this past weekend at the Adam's Mark Hotel in Buffalo calling forth men into the God ordained destiny for their lives.

Former NBA basketball player Allan Houston encourages men at ManTime Conference

ManTime Delivers

ManTime Men's conference wrapped up yesterday around 1:00PM at the Adam's Mark Hotel ballroom with a message from Mike Cavanaugh of Elim Fellowship, a communion service, and prayer for men to be able "make love felt" to those around them including their wives and children. The conference was designed to equip and strengthen men in their walks with God. The conference called forth the destiny of every man as a follower of Christ, husband and fathers. "It's time for men to get free so they can achieve their destiny as men, husbands, fathers. It's time for men to dream God-sized dreams and accomplish great things in the marketplace and in their homes." Plans are underway for a conference next year, same time, same place,  March 24-25, 2012 @ the Adam's Mark,  according to conference founder and ICCL President, Gary Kellner.

Cavanaugh explained being a father is not related to your age or wisdom or spiritual maturity, it is related to being able to impart something to someone else, it is about being able to empower and strengthen and build others up. To do this there is some skills we have to learn. We need to be able to make our love felt to those around us. As a man we have been created to put a deposit into others. There are people around us who are like open wounds and full of potential but it will never happen unless we put something in them.

Four skills...
  1. Focused attention- giving someone full and undivided attention-makes someone feel like they are the most important person in the world to you. Eye contact, full attention, there is something that happens where the other person is able to feel the love.
  2. Meaningful touch
  3. Affirming words- the tongue has the power of life and death
  4. Picture a special future for your loved one- every child comes into the world believing they are meant to do something special. The fathers job is to “discover” them and call out the incredible possibilities in them. 
View all pictures

    Saturday, March 26, 2011

    ManTime Pictures Posted

    Pictures from opening night of ManTime are now posted on our Facebook page. Check them out by clicking here. Also become a fan and follow us on Facebook for quick status and news updates.

    Thursday, March 24, 2011

    Q & A with Dr. Gary Kellner

    Mantime Men's Conference is this Friday and Saturday at the Adam's Mark Hotel in Buffalo. The conference is featuring a great lineup of speakers including Allan Houston, Ron Burgio, Tommy Reid, and Dr. Gary Kellner. We caught up with Dr. Gary Kellner, founder of International Center for Christian Leadership (the event presenter) for a question and answer on the event. 

    You have an international ministry with a lot of your ministry work being done in overseas, why Buffalo, why now? 

    A. A few months ago, we received a clear mandate from the Lord to begin focusing on men. When I shared this with one of my closest friends in Western New York, he said, "Doc, that's great; but what are you going to do for Buffalo." That cut through me like a knife. I realized that we had never made a serious, strategic commitment to the region. I knew it was time.

    The conference is advertised as being time for men, what do you mean by that? 

    A. It's no secret that men in America are "at risk" as never before. Many of them are struggling to take care of their families. The culture is changing at warp speed. Traditional values are under attack. It's hard for many men to keep their footing. The prophet said, "When sin comes in a like a flood, God raises up a standard against it." I think that means that when times are tough, God shows up to show His power and glory. So, if this is a time when men are under attack, then this is God's time for men.

    You have a great lineup of speakers including Allan Houston, how did you get Allan Houston to come to town? 

    A. Allan and I became acquainted about ten years ago when I ministered in the church he attends in Greenwich, Connecticut. Allan was powerfully touched by the Holy Spirit in that service. It created a connection.

    Life in pro sports may be every American boy's dream, but it's a tough place for young men. They have money, celebrity and a lot of time on their hands--ingredients that have proved to be a lethal cocktail for many 20-somethings. Allan performed at the highest level in the NBA and maintained a sense of balance and walked in integrity. I sensed that Allan's testimony of integrity in a very tough business would encourage men. So we asked Allan to come.

    To register for the event or get more information see-

    Tuesday, March 22, 2011

    Scott Krippayne

    Scott Krippayne is playing tonight at Randall Baptist Church in Williamsville tonight. Krippayne recently release his sixth album, Gentle Revolution, shocks and surpirses in it's intensity. "With Gentle Revolution, Scott and co-producer Kent Hooper explored larger musical territory, inspired by the innovation of bands like Switchfoot, Maroon 5 and pop icons like Sting and Billy Joel. You can still hear the piano-driven pop sound Scott Krippayne has become known for, but the polished pop edge has been burned away, leaving behind a barrage of aggressive guitars fused with an authentic 'live' rock feel. 'We operated with a 'no rules, just right' philosophy,' Scott says of the musical approach. 'We wanted it to be as true musically as it is lyrically, so we agreed to let our mistakes guide us.'"

     Also guiding Scott was the desire to write new songs that reflect his own spiritual journey of the last few years, to be transparent, even at the risk of being not-so-radio friendly.

         “The idea behind Gentle Revolution is change,” Scott says. “Any revolution means change, and we associate that idea with overthrow, and yet Jesus brought a gentle revolution into the lives of everyone he met. He touched them. He listened to their stories and gave them the truth…. With some of the songs on this album, there’s a risk of misunderstanding. People can read a lot into it, if they want. But it’s the most honest I’ve ever been. I’m convicted by these songs every time I sing them…”
         From the pounding opener of the title track, which reveals the heart of the album, listeners will hear an urgent relevance in each of the 10 songs—each one about living true to Jesus’ words in an ever-changing world.
         A riveting picture of the real world, “I Am Jesus,” the most aggressive song on Gentle Revolution, speaks to Jesus’ words in Matthew 25:45: “Whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.” An inescapable message for our times.
    “Something Different,” the most musically distinctive song on the album, dares to explore the truth that living like Jesus is not the safest way to live: I can’t ignore injustice and the tragic human cost / Love should make me radical / worldly incompatible…
         “In the Name of God,” a powerful ballad co-written with Regie Hamm (whose work has been recorded by Kenny Loggins, Bob Carlisle and many others), is the timeliest song on the album. A song ripe for misinterpretation.
         Grand inquisitions / great Holy Wars / Crusade and conquer / Slaughter the Moors / Fighting, fighting / All in the Name of God
         “We didn’t set out to make a political statement,” Scott says. “It’s a difficult song, but the message is very important. And I didn’t want to not say it just because I didn’t want to take any flak for it. …I’m not a pacifist, and I’ve got friends in Iraq, and yet when I search scriptures and when I look at the life of Jesus, I just don’t see that he was about war. We live in a different world, one that will unfortunately involve war, and I will always support those we send…. This song simply admits that ‘we mess it up more than we get it right,’ and yet there’s hope here because God is merciful.”
         “Renee,” a pensive poem-of-a-song that began in a Starbucks in Los Angeles after a brief encounter with celebrity Renee Zellweger, is Scott’s attempt to explore the reality behind the myth of fame. “I just started thinking about what life must really be like for her,” Scott muses. “She’s got to have struggles, and you know at some point she’s got to just want to go home and be herself…” If you listen carefully, you’ll hear the acoustic piano squeak along, echoing the humanity behind such a glamorous life.
         Other songs like Scott’s confessional litany in “Lyin,” the energetic wake-up call of “Alive Again” and the “blazing beauty” of “Shadow On The Sun,” punctuate Gentle Revolution’s more convicting moments with jolts of encouragement and strength for this journey we call life. Which in itself, Scott says, should center on Jesus’ revolutionary way of life.
         “If I’ve learned anything over the past year or two, it’s that I’ve got a long way to go to really make a difference, to be a true follower of Jesus. That’s where I’ve been living lately, trying to sort out what’s really important in life and how to represent Christ in the world. …I can’t pretend to know how or if these songs will impact people, but my hope is that God’s Spirit will reveal what he will to those who will hear.” 

    Tickets are $7 if purchased in advance and $10 at the door. Tickets go on sale on November 15.
    Click here to purchase tickets or call the Family Life ticket office at 800-927-9083.


    Leadership Seminar at Multiple WNY Sites

    Former mega-church pastor turned leadership guru, John Maxwell is hosting his annual leadership summit- Chick-fil-A Leadercast this coming May 6. Formerly hosted at Wesleyan Churches including Eastern Hills and Hamburg Wesleyan, the leadercast is now being shown at multiple locations including Medaille College and multiple Rochester locations. Maxwell, the former pastor of Skyline Wesleyan church in San Diego, CA, left the pastorate to pursue leadership training and has found great success in the corporate world, applying Biblical principles to business and life helping leaders across the country through live events and his best selling books including, The 21 Irrefutible Laws of Leadership and The 360 Degree Leader. Maxwell has sold over 13 million books and his organizations have trained 2 million leaders worldwide.

    Speakers this year include Seth Godin, Dave Ramsey, Dan Cathy, Robin Roberts, and many others. To see the full list click here.

    The event will be simulcasted to thousands of sites across the country from Atlanta, GA and organizers expect a good turnout in Western New York.

    To see a list of sites click here

    Sunday, March 20, 2011

    Jerry Gillis responds to Rob Bell's New Book

    Pastor Jerry Gillis, lead pastor at The Chapel at Crosspoint in Getzville responded graciously on his blog, to the controversy surrounding Rob Bell's new book, Love Wins. In the thoughtful post he points out the positive, "I found myself saying “yes” a number of times when reading the chapter on heaven and the reality of heaven’s 'already/not yet' tension," and the bad, "I just struggle a bit with where he is landing (again, predominately on his perspective of hell which comes from his overemphasis of one attribute of God)," and the in between, "So, what are my thoughts on the book? Well, let’s just say that a “tug of war” would be a good metaphor to describe my thoughts – both in how I feel, and in what I read."

    Gillis breaks down the book into four main "tug of wars" as he calls them, finally concluding that Bell has allowed God's incredible love to trump all his other characteristics like justice, truth, holiness and tells readers that God's love will conquer all and give everyone a chance to know God without suffering hell.
    The four controversial points Gillis breaks down about the book are:

    Tug of War #1 – Biblically justifiable vs. Biblically indefensible.
    Tug of War #2 – Evangelical vs. Liberal theology.
    Tug of War #3 – Rob Bell vs. Rob Bell.
    Tug of War #4 – God vs. God.

    Read the full post at

    ManTime Men's Conference is this Friday and Saturday

    Friday, March 25
    4:00 pm  Registration Opens
    7:00 pm  Opening Session           

    Saturday, March 26
    7:30 am    Male Call    
    8:30 am    Champions Breakfast*         
    10:00 am  Position Drills                
    11:15 am  General Session             
    12:15 am  Communion          

    Cost:   $25/Individual
                $100/foursome sponsorship
                $25/Champion's Breakfast*
    *Champion's Breakfast requires pre-registration & payment. Register for the breakfast through the online registration form.  For more information visit
    To register e-mail

    ManTime conference, presented by ICCL, is March 25-26 at the Adams Mark Hotel, 120 Church Street, Buffalo, New York 14202.

    ManTime builds men. These two days will give you the opportunity to powerfully experience God, understand your destiny and get a clearer picture of your role in the marketplace and in your home. You will glean from some of the most successful leaders in the region and learn how to lead in your home, church and workplace. During the ManTime conference, you will fellowship with other men and form life-long friendships.Don’t miss this opportunity to gather as men from across Western New York for 2 days that will change your life forever.

    View Larger Map

    Saturday, March 19, 2011

    Revive conference by Grace ministries

    Jessica Wallace is an awesome worship leader who graduated from the music program at Elim Bible Institute. She had released a couple Cd's. If I were you I would purchase this Cd for my worship library.

    Revive Conference

    Jill is Sharing her testimony about her marriage to Jim Kelly and her children specifically her son Hunter.

    Revive conference by Grace Minstries

    Jill Kelly and Sherrie Anderson

    Revive conference by Grace Ministries

    Jill Kelly and Sherrie Anderson

    Friday, March 18, 2011

    Revive Women's Conference, Lima, NY

    Sherrie Anderson proclaiming the word of the Lord. Ezekiel 37 at Elim Gospel Church in Lima, NY.
    These dry bones can live. God want us to learn to trust him so that we can witness the power of God at work.


    Jessica Freda Wallace and band singing rain down

    Reception desk Dina Gmeinweiser and Kathy coleridge



    Ezekiel 37:6b Revival we are preparing for worship.

    Revive Women's Conference

    Revive Women's Conference starts tonight at Elim Gospel Church in Lima, NY. Speakers include Sherrie Anderson, Jill Kelly, Cathi Brese Doebler, Kathryn Martin, and Jessica Wallace.

    Thursday, March 17, 2011

    Preaching Seminar at Northeastern

    Northeastern Seminary is hosting a one-day preaching seminar on April 4 with Dr. Scott Gibson, Professor of Preaching at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. The event will take place at their Rochester, NY location at 2265 Westside Drive. Pastors, leaders and those aspiring to be are welcome to attend.

    MAP IT

    Monday, March 14, 2011

    Restore New York

    On Tuesday, March 15, 2011 from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms (NYCF) will present the "Restore New York" Legislative Day conference at the Empire State Plaza Convention Center, Convention Hall in Albany, NY. An anticipated 1500 Evangelical and Pentecostal Christians from all over the State of New York will be in attendance, including hundreds of vocational pastors and nearly 300 high-school students.

    Attendees will hear from several elected officials including: Assembly Minority Leader Brian Kolb, Senators Ruben Diaz, John DeFrancisco and George Maziarz, as well as Members of Assembly Nicole Malliotakis, Don Miller and Dean Murray.

    Additionally, participants will hear from:

    David Barton, Founder and President of Wallbuilders.David Barton is founder and president of WallBuilders, a national pro-family organization focused on America's rich Christian and Constitutional heritage. David has authored numerous best-selling books, with the subjects being drawn largely from his massive library-museum of tens of thousands of original writings, documents, and artifacts from early America. He addresses well over 400 groups each year.

    Barton's research has rendered him an expert in historical and constitutional issues. He serves as a consultant to state and federal legislators, has participated in several cases at the Supreme Court, has been involved in the development of social studies standards for numerous states, and has helped produce some popular history textbooks being used in schools across the nation.A national news organization has described him as "America's historian," and Time Magazine called him "a hero to millions - including some powerful politicians." In fact, Time Magazine named him as one of America's 25 most influential evangelicals.

    Additionally Leslie Diaz, Spokesperson, Democrats for Life will be speaking. Leslie Diaz is an outspoken prolife advocate. She serves as spokerperson for Democrats for Life. Mrs. Diaz is also concerned with the erosion of parental rights and speaks on behalf of New Yorkers for Parental Rights.

    For three decades she has worked in the Christian Community in Action Home Care Program. The program was founded by Mrs. Diaz and her husband, State Sen. Rev. Ruben Diaz (D-Bronx).

    Additionally, Leslie Diaz serves alongside her husband at the Christian Community Neighborhood Church in Bronx County.

    Mrs. Diaz's Legislative Day address is timely in light of recent statistics that show nearly one out of every two Bronx pregnancies end in abortion, and current New York City legislation that would negatively impact the City's pro-life pregnancy centers.

    Legislative Day attendees will be advocating for a state Defense of Marriage Act and lobbying against the Reproductive Health Act and Medicaid funding of abortion. A host of other issues including parental rights protections, the importance of educational choice, and religious freedoms will be emphasized with legislators.

    For more information on the Restore New York Legislative Day event, please visit

    Sunday, March 6, 2011

    "Great Joy In That City"

    By Revs. Al and Deb Warner

    “Buffalo native celebrates miracle!” So read the headline of the Buffalo News on October 22, 2010. Let that sink in for a minute my friend. The words “Buffalo” and “miracle” in the same breath. This is not a reference to a fabulous football play by the Bills nor a spectacular hockey play by the Sabres, but rather a miracle of the divine kind. Local news reporter Lorey Schultz (WIVB Channel 4) headlined her report “Woman walks after decades in wheelchair.”

    If you watched the WNY news coverage of Delia Knox on October 21 and 22, you may have been intrigued, excited, skeptical, or a little of all three. As Paul Harvey loved to say, “This is the rest of the story.”

    Delia Knox is a gospel singer, and a frequent guest on Christian television and radio. Most importantly to us, she is a Buffalo native. She is the daughter of Pastors Jose and Emilia Roman, Jersey Street, Buffalo, and identical twin sister of Enid McGinnis.

    On Christmas Eve, 1987, at 25 years of age, an automobile accident left Delia paralyzed from the waist down. But even in a wheelchair, she was determined she would not be slowed down. Her passion was to serve God with her whole being. No wheelchair could keep her from that. As Delia said, “I don’t allow this wheelchair to control me, I control it!”

    “If my pillow could speak, it would say, ”God has been good to me!” These were the words Delia sang many times while ‘dancing’ in her wheelchair.

    Nine years ago, Delia married Bishop Levy Knox, and moved to minister with him at the Living Word Christian Center in Mobile, Alabama. On August 27, 2010, Bishop and Delia attended special meetings at the Mobile Convention Center hosted by Rev. John Kilpatrick. Delia did not know it, but this would be her red-letter day. The Knox’s were about to leave the meeting when a mother brought her sick baby forward for prayer. Miraculously, as Delia prayed with compassion for the baby she began to have sensation in her own legs. Evangelist Nathan Morris laid hands on Delia, and prayed fervently. Eyewitness Dr. Larry Martin told us, “Evangelist Nathan Morris had the faith and boldness to call Delia forward and pray for her, and the entire congregation interceded for probably an hour with the most passion I have ever witnessed in my life! Three elements came together: Delia’s faith, Nathan’s persistence, and the congregation’s intercession. Nathan was willing to be embarrassed to see a miracle!”

    Muscles that had not been used in 22 years began to come alive. God had heard the daily prayers of Delia, her godly mother, the evangelist, the congregation and so many others. Faltering at first, Delia slowly rose from her wheelchair and walked!!! When her mother was asked, “Were you surprised?” she answered, “No, I was expecting this day to happen for 22 years!”

    Pastor Tommy Reid, Full Gospel Tabernacle, Orchard Park gave us a sense of the prayers that led to Delia’s healing. Several years ago, Rev. Aimee Reid-Sych, best friend of Delia, had a vision in which she saw Delia seated in her wheelchair on the crest of a world globe. Suddenly, with the eyes of the whole world seeing the intervention of God in Delia’s life, Delia emerged from that wheelchair and began to walk. It was as if God had placed this young woman of God in a position where the entire world would view the miracle as she took her first steps. And now, the miracle has happened and the world did see the actual moment when she took her first steps. The world saw as Delia’s healing became an international sensation on the Internet, with over 400,000 hits on YouTube as of November. The video clip has been shown in hundreds of churches and homes as far away as Amsterdam.

    Is there a common response when this video clip is shown? HOPE is rekindled. Faith is released. Tears of joy are typically present.

    For those of us who live in Buffalo, those of us who have known Delia up-close and personal, for those of us who have helped lift her wheelchair on to platforms – Thursday, October 21st was Delia’s time to come home to Buffalo.

    As we drove to Delia’s parents home on Jersey Street, among the lawn signs for every political leader imaginable were lawn signs that were of a radically different flavor:
    Walkin’ Home Delia
    “And there was much joy in the city’
    Acts 8:8

    The assembled crowd eagerly waited to celebrate Delia walking up the steps into her parent’s waiting arms. We were not disappointed. We saw with our own eyes what we had only seen on video. Delia walked as we wept with joy. Gloria Dios! Praise God! There was not a dry eye to be seen.

    This was not the first time joy came to this neighborhood. November, 2009, just 3 minutes away, God answered another woman’s prayer – Delores Powell of Home Makeover fame. Delores was struggling to care for her family in impossible conditions, and cried out to God for help. Her prayer was not just for herself, but included compassion for her fellow neighbors. God sent Extreme Makeover as a catalyst. Thousands volunteered to transform not just the Powell home, but the surrounding neighborhood with 29 homes impacted, including new roofs, porches, painting, 109 trees planted, sidewalks poured, and 3 new parks built. As Jim McGinnis (Full Gospel Tabernacle) said, “There was a door God placed in front of us. I believe when we walked through that door, God poured out His blessings. He poured out and showed us what the Church is supposed to do in the City of Buffalo.”

    But God was not done with Delia in our city yet. Friday, October 22nd, Bishop Levi and Delia returned to Delia’s home church, the Full Gospel Tabernacle under the leadership of Pastor Tommy Reid. Everyone was invited to come and see Delia in person. The sanctuary was packed, and the air was electric. Pastors from all over the city – Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, Asians – came and brought their congregations. Multi-race, multi-denomination, sounds more like Heaven than Buffalo -- all waiting with great anticipation to personally see Delia walking for themselves. The video of Delia’s healing from August 27th was shown.

    Finally, Delia came walking out in her high heels! The crowd spontaneously rose to their feet with praises to God for His amazing miracle! As Delia ministered, people
    came out of wheelchairs, deaf ears were opened, a man with 8 screws and metal rods in his back was instantaneously healed and began to touch his toes and dance across the platform. Glory to God!!!

    What is the meaning of this miracle? Pastor Tommy Reid had some thoughts:
    “This miracle signifies that God is about to visit his world in unprecedented power again.  I believe we are about to experience God and His miraculous intervention as we have never experienced God before. We have seen an unbelievable miracle, but most of all WE HAVE SEEN JESUS!  ...I am believing and I know nothing will ever be the same again."

    Is there a larger picture for Buffalo? Could it be that as Delia came out of her wheelchair after decades of being crippled that God is about to call our crippled City of Buffalo out of decades of hopelessness and helplessness? Could this be bigger than we yet know?

    Those of us who were there will never forget the moment our faith became sight. This is a move of compassion! “When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them and healed their sick.” Matt. 14:14

    So if your pillow could speak, what would it say?
    Delia Knox’s pillow says, “GOD HAS BEEN GOOD TO ME!”
    Delores Powell’s pillow says, “GOD HAS BEEN GOOD TO ME!“
    My pillow is shouting from the rooftop, “GOD HAS BEEN GOOD TO ME!“
    Listen, I think I hear your pillow speaking even now, “GOD HAS BEEN GOOD TO ME!“

    Friday, March 4, 2011

    Adoption: Spiritual and Sociological Implications, With Repeated Opportunity to See the Gospel

    By Ryan S. Kozey, Phd.

    My current position of employment situates me in a diverse spectrum of demographies and socio-economic statuses. I’m involved in trying to help churches work together through partnership and planting, seeking to give every man, woman, and child a repeated opportunity to hear, see, and experience the Gospel message of Jesus Christ. Ultimately, our desire is the saturation of the Gospel into every livable area of a designated geography.
    For this particular article, I want to focus on the statement of the repeated opportunity to see the Gospel. The experience I’ll share next takes me to my hometown of Garfield Heights, Ohio also known as blue collar, Southeast Cleveland. Most men there, when I was young, worked in some form of manufacturing, most predominantly, the steel mills of Cleveland. It’s not exactly a pretty part of town anymore, unless you like smoke stacks and impoverished neighborhoods. In fact, socio-economically, to say that it has fallen on hard times is an understatement. A local talk-show host references that part of town and encourages people to be “packing” when they go, for protection of course.
    Within Garfield Heights though, there is a family worth meeting. Dave and Carole are an unassuming couple. If one were to simply pass them on the street, you would be inclined to walk on without comment. But Dave and Carole aren’t simply a couple. They make up the Brunelle family, and I promise you, if you were to pass them on the street, it would merit a comment or two. Eight children. Three biological. Five adopted with high needs (and allow me to clarify high needs: two born addicted to either heroin or methadone; one born with another addiction, holes in their heart and hyperthyroid antibodies from mom; one born with severe in-utero brain trauma; one born profoundly retarded with cerebral palsy). Some Caucasian. Some African-American. The first time I saw a family photo of the Brunelles, I couldn’t help but ask the question, “Could someone tell me more about this family?” I saw the photo on the fridge of a friend of mine, when I was finishing up college in Bowling Green, OH. It would be years before I actually met them in person. Here’s what I’ve come to know…
    Dave and Carole have a heart for kids. I have come to know that such a heart has been developed by their love for Christ. As Christ has developed their heart, bringing five, high needs children into the home strikes a chord similar to James 1:27 (“…caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you”; NLT). It is not perfect, and it certainly is not easy. About a year ago, Dave was up in Buffalo, visiting. As we sat in Pearl Street Grill and Brewery on a snowy, windy Buffalo evening, I asked him how life was going. He talked about some difficulty with one of their adopted sons. As he began telling the story, his heart was heavy, and his eyes welled up with tears as he shared the struggle associated with his son. The situation was taking a heavy toll on his family. As I reflected back on that time, I recall that physically, Dave looked beat, likely lacking in sleep. He was emotionally spent. His family was in counseling, trying to figure out what to do and how to do it best. I am blown away by something profound to me in all of this—in terms of options, they didn’t “have” to do this. The pain, the toil, the difficulty of bringing up a hybrid family of biological and adopted, high needs children—Dave and Carole didn’t have to approach child services and make a home for these children. But they did.
    I’m not implying that everyone should simply run out and do what Dave and Carole have done. But there are some that will read this, whose heart is bent in this direction. And if you are one of these people, consider what Dave’s close friend Mike has challenged me with: “When I look at Dave and Carole’s kids, I can’t help but think of where these kids would be without this family.”
    The Brunelle family is continually present with the Gospel. Wherever they go, the story of the willingness of a couple to love those without a home and without a family screams to all who are willing to see and listen. Their family is one that has been filled with trials throughout the years, due to their willingness to put their “YES” on the table. And as they have done that, they have envisioned a community with the representation of the Gospel message of Christ.
    As I have been eye-witness to Dave and Carole’s life, I am moved to consider what the impact of communities would be, both spiritually and sociologically, if more of us were willing to do the hard things that this family does. Their story does demonstrate the harsh reality of the cost of following Christ, make no mistake about it. But with it, the story is fertile ground for the Gospel to any and all who will listen. You see, Dave and Carole make ready their opportunity for proclamation as the Holy Spirit moves in them to do so. The decision to bring these children into their family is one that wasn’t simply the cool thing to do. It is based on the doctrine of changed lives. God changed Dave and Carole’s life through Christ. That moment for each of them set the stage for what would happen, decision after decision, until they draw their last breath. It so happens that this was what God moved in their hearts to do. And what is so profoundly challenging to me is that they got off the sidelines, put skin in the game, and did one of the most unthinkable things to many—they decided to allow for their life to be inconvenienced by the Gospel. It is messy. It is organic. It is real. It is an active demonstration of seeing the Gospel in action on repeated occasions.

    Ryan Kozey, PhD is the Director of Strategic Initiatives for The Renovation Network. In addition, he is an adjunct professor of Organizational Communication for Canisius College. He and his wife and children reside here in Buffalo, NY.

    A Tipping Point?

    By Revs. Al and Deb Warner

    As you read this, the events of Saturday, August 14 may have begun to dim for some of you. That morning eight people were shot at a Buffalo restaurant, with four dying from their wounds. All four who died were African Americans. The national news called it the 'Buffalo massacre.'  

    As we sat through the funeral services of 3 of the 4 victims, I asked the question that has been asked countless times, “Lord, what is Your Word to the grief stricken families, churches, neighborhoods, and to our region?” In a season of violence and death, it is far easier to recognize the hand of the enemy than the hand of the Lord. Pat answers do not work during such times.

    When Jesus came to the funeral of his friend Lazarus, He internalized the grief around Him and wept, even though He was about to accomplish His greatest miracle to date – the resurrection of Lazarus. In order to hear God’s voice, it is important to ‘weep with those who weep.’ (Rom. 12:15 NLT) The compassion of Christ came even closer as I reflected that the caskets held 32-year-old Tiffany Wilhite, 27-year-old Tia McNeil, and 26-year-old Willie McCaa. (We were not able to attend the service for 30-year-old Danyell Mackin.) These ages are too close to my own sons who are in their twenties.

    As the tears begin to dry, what might God be saying?

    First, this is not only Buffalo’s battle, but a regional battle, a call to arms! In Numbers 32, God declares that when one tribe of Israel is at war, ALL tribes of Israel are at war. No tribe could enjoy peace in their land while their brothers and sisters continued in conflict. It is too easy to act as though murders in Buffalo are not my problem if I live outside the city. The enemy loves to pick us off one tribe at a time. I believe that if the tribe/church of Buffalo is at war, then the tribe/church of Amherst is at war, the tribe/church of Orchard Park is at war, etc.

    Second, Jesus wept over Jerusalem. Is the compassion of Christ filling your heart as you pray for Buffalo? ‘You must be compassionate, just as your Father is compassionate.’ (Luke 6:36 NLT) Compassion can be uncomfortable because it often requires me to get involved. What will you do if you pray for God to make a difference in Buffalo, and if He replies that you are the answer?

    Third, some of the leaders and pastors in Buffalo are weary. They have buried too many of our precious young people in the last few years.
    Exodus 17:10-13 (The Message) It turned out that whenever Moses raised his hands, Israel was winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, Amalek was winning. But Moses' hands got tired. So they got a stone and set it under him. He sat on it and Aaron and Hur held up his hands, one on each side. So his hands remained steady until the sun went down. Joshua defeated Amalek and its army in battle.
    God is calling us to strengthen our brother’s and sister’s arms. This includes:
    *prayers of protection for those who are on the front lines
    *prayer for godly wisdom and strategy for our leaders
    *prayer for blessing and life to triumph over curse and death
    *prayer for concrete signs of hope, including improved housing, education, job creation
    God announces that He has ‘…plans to give you hope and a future.’ (Jer. 29:11b NIV) Agree with God!
    Last, could this horrible tragedy become a tipping point, a rallying cry that awakens our region and causes us collectively to say, ‘No more. Not on my watch.’ During the funeral service at True Bethel Baptist Church, Pastor Pridgen spontaneously raised an offering of $20,000 to act as a reward for the conviction of the killer(s). At the conclusion of the service, Pastor Pridgen gave an invitation for young men and young women to come forward and begin a new spiritual journey. The front of the sanctuary was filled. These are sacred moments.
    As you read and reflect on this, what will your response be?
    Jeremiah 29:7 (NIV)
    “Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the LORD for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper."

    Thursday, March 3, 2011

    Calling the Region to Prayer

    Pastor Jerry Gillis of The Chapel at Crosspoint and Pastor Pat Jones of Eastern Hills Wesleyan are taking the lead in calling our region to prayer this March during the season of Lent leading up to Easter. The 40 day prayer initiative titled, WNY PRAY is something they are hoping numerous churches and ministries take part in. The Chapel this past week hosted two prayer events as part of the kick-off, praying for government, schools, churches and other needs in our community.

    Here is a video of Pastor Jerry and Pastor Pat inviting the region to participate in the initiative...

    WNY Pray from Jon Cook on Vimeo.

    Wednesday, March 2, 2011

    NorthGate Moving Out of Theater

    Northgate Christian Community, who in August of 2009 began hosting services at the AMC Movie Theater made the  move to a more permanent location in Clarence this week. Starting Sunday, Feb. 27th we will be meeting at Harris Hill Mennonite Church @ 10am... on Harris Hill Rd. near the corner of Griener Rd., (between Sheridan & Griener) in Clarence. Grand Opening celebration will be on March 6th.The church, led by Pastor Jon Hasselbeck has partnered with over 15 local congregations in the new church plant and hopes to reach out to college age students attending the University of Buffalo.

    Tuesday, March 1, 2011

    Christian Counseling Ministries Expansion Supports Growing Need in Clarence and WNY

    For more than 27 years, Christian Counseling Ministries (CCM) a non-profit agency has served the Western New York community.  In December 2009, the organization relocated its Williamsville/Clarence office to 9070 Main Street in Clarence, allowing the agency to increase their professional staff with additional office space in support of the growing need for counseling services.  CCM has helped thousands of families and individuals throughout Western New York with professional counseling, groups, workshops, support to improve relationships, provide hope to individuals, marriages and families, and to restore emotional and mental health.
     “The need for counseling services has been rising,” Christian Counseling Ministries Director, Dr. Tim Chambers said.  “People in our communities are struggling whether it is from job loss, marital stress, parenting concerns, drug and alcohol abuse, health issues, eating disorders, depression, anxiety, and grief.  All of these issues affect the individual, family, and other relationships.  We believe we can offer help and hope in their time of need,” added Chambers. Dr. Chambers also shared that he is “humbled by the potential for reaching hurting people and making an impact on the health and welfare of people of all ages in the communities we serve.”  As a non-profit 501(c)3 agency, the Clarence location houses ten licensed mental health counselors and social workers, a psychiatric nurse practitioner, and a certified dietician and nutritionist.  Since opening its doors at the new Clarence location, the agency has already experienced a 20% increase in the number of clients serviced.  In 2010, Christian Counseling Ministries provided over 6,000 counseling appointments to individuals, couples, and families.
    Christian Counseling Ministries is a faith-based organization with satellite offices in West Seneca, Jamestown, and Dunkirk.  These locations are situated within churches that have graciously provided office space that serves as a convenience for nearby clients and counselors.  “We are excited about the opportunity to expand counseling services in Clarence, Williamsville, and the surrounding,” remarked Dr. Chambers.  “CCM is in a strategic location and has easy access to many venues and quaint eating establishments unique to the Clarence area.  It’s been a blessing for CCM to be here and to connect with people in the community as well as businesses.”
    CCM was founded in 1983 by Dr. Timothy P. Chambers who continues to serve as the Executive Director.  In addition to the responsibilities of administration, Dr. Chambers provides individual counseling, coaching and mediation services.  He is also a licensed minister.

    Christian Counseling Ministries of Western New York, Inc. (CCM) emerged from a growing need in Western New York for Biblically-based counseling services from professionally trained counselors.  CCM believes firmly in the integration of Scriptural principles with daily living, and believes that God can use the study of the mind and human behavior to heal wounds from the past and conflicts in the present.  It is for this reason that they work with Pastors and Christian organizations throughout Western New York, to minister to the Body of Christ.

    CCM operated differently from a private practice.  As a non-profit, religious, tax-exempt organization, there is an established fee, although a sliding scale fee exits for individuals who may have an economic hardship.  CCM is committed to further reaching people in need by offering services at affordable cost, while retaining quality Christian professionals to perform these services.  All of the counselors are licensed mental health professionals and licensed social workers who have earned graduate degrees from accredited universities with specialties in marriage, family, children, eating disorders, sexual abuse, grief, and addiction.  CCM also serves as a site for graduate level students to carry out internships as part of their training from several area colleges and universities.

    To make an appointment or request additional information, please call 716-632-3200 or visit the CCM website for helpful resources at