Friday, January 3, 2014

Perspectives Starts January 20

-A different LIVE instructor every week from diverse ministry & cultural backgrounds- pastors, professors, bible-translators, missionaries, businessmen, church-planters.
-Every class is an interactive learning experience- including dynamic prayer, diverse worship, creative demonstrations, cultural experiences and group discussions.
-Anyone can take the class for a certificate but Undergraduate and Graduate level credit also available.
-This class is life changing and you won't be disappointed. Be one of the 130,000 people  world-wide that have taken the course so far.

WHAT is Perspectives?

Perspectives on the World Christian Movement is a catalytic course designed to equip the people of God to partner with Him in His mission to reach all peoples, tongues, tribes, and nations. It presents the biblical, historical, cultural, and strategic aspects of fulfilling the Great Commission. We encourage anyone who is serious about gaining a deeper understanding of God’s ultimate purpose in the world to attend this course.

Perspectives seeks to reveal the nature of God's heart to be worshipped by all nations, and that we are called to be a part of HIS purpose regardless of whether we feel called to serve overseas, at home or in our own work place. It's about a deeper understanding of who God is, what He's about, and how we are ALL called to be a part of it. Throughout the 15 weeks, students will learn about God’s nature, His purpose, and how He uses ordinary people like us to bring the glory to His name.

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