Saturday, July 7, 2012

Nik Wallenda Takes Prayer Walks to New Heights, Literally

When we heard that a stunt man was coming to Niagara Falls to do a never seen before walk across Niagara Falls, more than a few had their doubts and most really didn't pay attention until the time drew nearer. But when the world began hearing Wallenda praising God while performing one of the most notable stunts in history, Christians around the world began rejoicing that millions of people were given another opportunity to hear about the good news of faith in Jesus. While Wallenda didn't actually preach or bow and pray, his faith in God and trust in Jesus was evident as he walked the line across two countries and made history while praising and thanking God all the way over. As prayer walks have gained momentum and become a popular church unifying tool, this I have to say topped them all. Thanks Nik for your prayers and faith to do the seemingly impossible and reminding us that with God all things are indeed possible.

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