Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Of Pancakes and Praise

My wife is a great cook. Throughout our marriage I have watched her prepare (and joyfully partaken in) literally hundreds of unique dishes. She is more of an artist in the kitchen. Each time it is a little different. Recently we had some children over to make pancakes. My wife patiently helped them find each of the ingredients; they had a grand time cracking eggs, stirring flour, getting the ingredients ready, in anticipation of the delicious breakfast to come. For me, worship is a little like cooking. 
     As I have had the privilege to minister in worship with the Eagles’ Wings team in nations around the world (from churches of 25 to stadiums of 25,000) I have tasted a lot of different flavors of worship, but have seen some common themes that seems to be ingredients that move worship from just singing songs, to a life-changing encounter with the Creator King.  

-          Lift Up – What are we focused on when we worship? Is it the great sound, the amazing skill, the flashing lights? If we only focus on the externals, we can inadvertently lead people into “spectator mode.” As leaders, we have the opportunity to model a “God-first” approach, inviting people to interact with the Living God. Beginning with prayer to God, not just about God, and reading portions of Scripture throughout the time can realign people’s focus on Who this is really all about.

-          Listen Up – Developing sensitivity to the voice of the Spirit and being able to respond to what He is doing in the midst of His people is so important. One of the best ways to do this is to make space – to literally “wait on the Lord.”  This can mean a pause before worship begins, or it can be in the midst of worship where we don’t just go through our list of songs, but make space for our hearts to linger in a moment and truly listen.  

-          Train Up – I don’t know if we realize it, but every time we worship it is just a rehearsal.  It’s just a warm-up for the eternal worship service we’re going to be engaged in for all time. We shouldn’t be afraid to train people in worship. If you feel the need for an instrumental interlude, tell the people. “Folks, we are going to take a moment and wait on the Lord.  Don’t be distracted; just focus your hearts on Him.” You will be helping them grow in their worship life personally as well as corporately.

-          Link Up – Another thing worship provides is the opportunity to love and encourage one another. Paul admonishes the Ephesians that they should encourage one another in “psalms, hymns and spiritual songs,” (Eph. 5:19). As leaders there are times when we should facilitate this interaction. Maybe it’s breaking into prayer clusters of 2-3 people and speaking a 30-second blessing over one another, or it could be declaring God’s word that you are singing over one another. There is something powerful released when worship becomes about “we” not “me.”
     Just like my wife’s artistry in our Saturday morning pancake adventure, the Holy Spirit knows how to take our simple offering and make something amazing out of it. As we enter the Presence of God each time in worship, perhaps we should think of ourselves more as kids in the kitchen. We have been invited to bring the ingredients and follow His direction, but ultimately the end result is something only He can make happen. As we smell the aroma of heaven rising, we can only say, “Oh taste and see that the Lord is good,” (Psalm 34:8). 

Stephen Jenks is a member of the Eagles’ Wings team, a international ministry community focused on touching Israel and the nations, strengthening and empowering believers, and training up the next generation.   A gifted worship leader and psalmist, Stephen has ministered with Eagles’ Wings for the last 15 years.  Through conferences and services across the United States, in Latvia, Germany, Brazil, Mexico and Israel, Stephen has had the privilege of bringing tens of thousands of believers into a living encounter with the Presence and Person of Jesus Christ.  Stephen and his wife Veronica live in Upstate New York.

Arise & Build. Nehemiah: A Guide to City Transformation

By Dr. Ron Burgio
(originally published in THRiVE! Winter 2008)

While in exile in Babylon, Nehemiah received bad news from his brother who had just returned from Jerusalem: "The remnant there in the province who had survived the exile is in great trouble and shame. The wall of Jerusalem is broken down, and its gates are destroyed by fire" (1:3). The wall, of course was the protection for the city. The gates represent the entry points for the people and for trade as well as the place of government. Nehemiah, an official in the court of King Artaxerxes, was deeply and personally affected by this news. His concern for the poor spiritual, moral and economic condition of the city led him to grieve for Jerusalem.
     Do we grieve for Buffalo when we see her poor spiritual, moral and economic condition, or do we complain like everyone else? Do we just hang in there or think of moving away? What if we would grieve, like Nehemiah, and start a time of fasting and prayer? Genuine, real remorse should come from genuine concern which leads to fasting and prayer.
     Nehemiah knew that the condition of Jerusalem was a result of sin. Really, any negative condition on earth is the result of sin, ours or someone else’s. Nehemiah didn’t spend any time laying blame on anyone in particular. It didn’t matter, here is his prayer: “I pray before You day and night for the Israelites, Your servants, confessing the sins of the Israelites which we have sinned against You. Yes, I and my father's house have sinned” (1:6). He made no excuses. He put no blame on any one person, but he blamed everyone including himself. Repentance becomes powerful when it incorporates confession of the sins of the people and our own sins. “If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land” (2 Chron. 7:14).
     After confession, we need to believe God for success. Nehemiah prayed in full faith that God would keep his word. “Remember, I pray, the word that You commanded Your servant Moses, saying, ‘If you are unfaithful, I will scatter you among the nations; but if you return to Me, and keep My commandments and do them, though some of you were cast out to the farthest part of the heavens, yet I will gather them from there, and bring them to the place which I have chosen as a dwelling for My name’ (1:8-9) God had put it in Nehemiah’s heart to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem. God’s covenant never fails. Even today, as we recently celebrated Israel’s 60th birthday, His covenant with Israel still stands. O Lord, I pray, please let Your ear be attentive to the prayer of Your servant, and to the prayer of Your servants who desire to fear Your name; and let Your servant prosper this day, I pray… (1:11)
     A few years ago the Lord spoke to me when I read Psalm 2:8: “Ask of Me, and I will give You the nations for Your inheritance, and the ends of the earth for Your possession.” He told me “Ask of Me, and I will give You Buffalo for your inheritance, and the suburbs for your possession.” He wants us, the Church at Buffalo, to make this declaration: “God has given us the city, the suburbs and the rural areas of Western New York.” They are ours to minister to, to pray for, to serve in, to lead and to win to Christ.
     After his long trip from Babylon to Jerusalem, Nehemiah inspected the city. He saw firsthand what his brother had reported to him. The gates and walls of Jerusalem were indeed broken down and destroyed, but Nehemiah encouraged and motivated the Jews, “Come and let us build the wall of Jerusalem, that we may no longer be a reproach.” (2:17) Nehemiah had an infectious faith. And I told them of the hand of my God which had been good upon me…” (2:18). He had a history of the goodness of God. It caught on. The officials declared, “Let us rise and build. So they strengthened their hands for the good work” (2:18).
     The gates of our city are the apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, the churches, political and community leaders and the believers of Buffalo. We must pray, encourage each other and strengthen all with the Word of God.
     The builders of Jerusalem’s walls worked together. There is strength in unity and in united purpose. Chapter 3 records the details of the work. At least 38 times it mentions “next to him” or “after him” as indicating they worked side by side to build up the walls. The people and the clergy and the officials all partnered together, each doing the work in their own sphere of influence.
     When the Body of Christ of all denominations and races comes into unity we will see a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit in our area. Psalms 133 speaks of this type of unity and blessing.

Psalm 133
  1 Behold, how good and how pleasant it is
         For brethren to dwell together in unity!
  2 It is like the precious oil upon the head,
         Running down on the beard,
         The beard of Aaron,
         Running down on the edge of his garments.
 3 It is like the dew of Hermon,
         Descending upon the mountains of Zion;
         For there the LORD commanded the blessing—
         Life forevermore.

Nehemiah won a great victory when he unified the people and when he motivated and encouraged the officials. He didn’t have long to enjoy his success however. No sooner did the work begin, the attacks came from the outside. Nehemiah 4 records the assault by Sanballat and his companions. “But it so happened, when Sanballat heard that we were rebuilding the wall, that he was furious and very indignant, and mocked the Jews (4:1) We can learn valuable lessons from studying Sanballat’s assaults, threats and schemes.
     We need to expect distractions. One of the great tests of leadership, of being a person with vision, is how to handle opposition. Nehemiah faced the usual tactics of the opposition:
1.              Ridicule (4:1-3)
2.              Resistance (4:7-8)
3.              Rumor (4:11-12)

     Nehemiah was not about to let the whining and complaining of a few unbelievers get in the way of his God-given purpose. John Maxwell says Nehemiah modeled the right response to all three of these challenges. He…
1. Relied on God (4:4,5)
2. Respected the opposition (4:9)
3. Reinforced his weak points (4:13)
4. Reassured the people (4:14)
5. Refused to quit (4:1)
6. Renewed the people’s strength continually (4:16-23)

The Apostle Paul said it this way: For a great and effective door has opened to me, and there are many adversaries (1 Corinthians 16:9). He also said, But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God (Acts 20:25)
     Persistence is the secret to outlasting our critics. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised (Hebrews 10:36)
     Nehemiah’s vision, work and persistence resulted in a revival in Jerusalem in his day. What will revival look like in Buffalo?
     Revival in Buffalo will include many people, young and
old and of all backgrounds, coming to faith in Jesus Christ, joining the Church and being discipled.       I believe the Church will finally be seen as having the solution to people’s suffering. There will be signs, wonders, miracles and healings, not only in church buildings, but in the streets, the market place, in schools or wherever believers share their faith.
     We’ve only scratched the surface of what God wants to do through the Church. Jesus’ commission to us includes the miraculous: "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover" (Mark 16:15-18).
     My vision for the Church in Buffalo is that we achieve unity across denominational and racial barriers. If we do this we will through our cultural and ethnic diversity be able to reach many more people in Buffalo and the world. Our natural tendency is to examine weaknesses in each other, rather than embracing strengths. In order for the Church to be united across racial boundaries, we need to enlarge our hearts to receive those that are different from us. The problem is that many of us deal with prejudice in our lives. Webster says that prejudice is “a judgment or opinion formed before the facts are known, preconceived ideas, favorable or more usually, unfavorable.” It's usually suspicion, intolerance, or irrational hatred of other races, regions, people groups, or occupations.
     People of different nationalities, races, creeds and geographic areas are looking for someone to come and bandage their wounds as the Good Samaritan did to the man who was robbed and left for dead. He poured on oil and wine; a healing element to soothe those wounds. And then he put him on his donkey and took him to an inn and took care of him. Jesus was speaking into a racial situation with this story. He was speaking of the need for reconciliation and love between ethnic groups. Jesus said, "Go and do likewise."
     Revival in Buffalo will result in more than spiritual or physical benefits for individuals or local churches. Recently I read a paper by Dennis Hussak entitled Let The Light Return, a marketplace approach to transform the Buffalo/Niagara region into The Center of Light. Dennis gave me permission to quote his paper extensively, so here is part of his chapter called “Vision.”
     Imagine walking the streets of Downtown Buffalo on a warm summer evening with a cool breeze coming in off the lake. As you travel through the Theater District to Lafayette Square you pass numerous boutiques and delis open for business and drawing a good crowd. Many of the buildings have the soft glow of light illuminating their architectural wonders of a century ago. New housing on the second and third floor lofts is drawing increased numbers of young and retired from all over the region. People from as far away as Arizona and Oregon are hearing of a transformation sweeping a community that was once referred to as the “armpit of the east.”
     What strikes you about the people you encounter is that many exhibit a joy and unity that is uncommon for this day and age. There is a sense of excitement and optimism that didn’t exist in Buffalo years back. Something dramatic has happened that has taken a metropolitan area, which was the brunt of jokes, to a jewel that reflects a new light of optimism.
     As you disembark from the trolley you get a copy of the Buffalo News. The headline is “Police Precincts Reduced Again.” That sounds familiar considering what the Control Board did just a few years ago. Your first thought is “here we go again” but you read on and discover the subtitle indicates that crime is down dramatically and the closing is good news saving the city additional thousands of dollars. Another article reports that Buffalo Public schools have gone from the worst in the area to number 3 in Western New York. It talks about how parents are getting involved in their children’s education resulting in a whole new climate in the city’s schools.
     Walking through the magnificent floral gardens with fountains bathed in colorful light you reach a kiosk advertising numerous neighborhood ethnic and cultural festivals. The local churches have come together with residents to sponsor and fund events that highlight the significant contributions of their neighborhoods.
     Do we dare to dream that big? Dennis Hussak’s paper starts with the vision and then outlines a project plan for achieving that vision. If you examine this transformation at www.ltlr.org you will see that the cause is not the infusion of multiple millions of dollars by the government; it is not the result of the addition of thousands of jobs by a corporate giant; it is not powered by some climactic change that results in better weather. Instead it is the result of a dramatic new way in which people think, and live their lives. Imagine a society in which people life by the motto: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”
     This vision is too big for one individual. It will need everyone who calls on the name of Jesus Christ in Buffalo. Under Nehemiah’s leadership the people of Jerusalem worked side-by-side to rebuild the city. They maintained unity in spite of attacks and ridicule. Let’s support those who have great vision for our city. Let’s each be a light to our community and do our part to live as Christ has taught us.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Billy Graham Offers His Support to Chick-fil-A

July 26, 2012
The following statement was released today of the Billy Graham Evanglestic Association website by Billy Graham...

"I want to express my support for my good friends Truett Cathy and his son Dan Cathy, and for their strong stand for the Christian faith. I've known their family for many years and have watched them grow Chick-fil-A into one of the best businesses in America while never compromising their values. Chick-fil-A serves each of its customers with excellence, and treats everyone like a neighbor. It's easy to see why Chick-fil-A has become so popular across America.

Each generation faces different issues and challenges, but our standard must always be measured by God's word. I appreciate the Cathy family's public support for God's definition of marriage.

I also appreciate Governor Mike Huckabee's leadership and for encouraging Americans to support Chick-fil-A on August 1. As the son of a dairy farmer who milked many a cow, I plan to "Eat Mor Chikin" and show my support by visiting Chick-fil-A next Wednesday.

Billy Graham is a strong advocate for the biblical definition of marriage and recently stated his public support for the marriage amendment in his home state of North Carolina, which voters resoundingly passed on May 8.

Elmwood Drive to Play at Prayer Collective

Elmwood Drive, a Western New York based band led by Corey Coogan on vocals/guitar along with 5 other members will lead worship and prayer Friday, August 10 at Prayer Collective, located within The Buffalo Christian Center's Forbes Theater at 512 Pearl Street in Buffalo. The time of prayer and worship will be held from 6-8PM focusing on the release of the full measure of God's Spirit on his Church in Buffalo. Believers from across the region are invited to join the band and team from Prayer Collective. Prayer Collective is a non-denominational, worship, prayer and outreach ministry serving the Church of Buffalo that began in March of 2012.   Founder Kyle Patterson stated, "We're excited to be able to bring together a worship night serving our city in the heart of downtown Buffalo's Central Business District. Elmwood Drive is a talented group of musicians who are choosing to serve God in worship and prayer at the Prayer Collective and giving of their time and talent to the greater effort of maintaining a place of worship and prayer ministry to the Lord." The Prayer Collective hosts almost daily 2 hour sessions of worship and prayer every week asking God for his will to be done and his Kingdom to come in our city. For the full schedule see www.prayercollective.com/schedule

Mt Olive Baptist to Host Rock the Lakes Prayer Event

In conjunction with the upcoming Franklin Graham Rock the Lakes festival, a "regional worship" night has been announced at Mt Olive Baptist Church located at 701 East Delevan Ave, Monday August 13 from 7-9PM. The announcement comes from Set Free Inc led by Revs. Al and Deb Warner.

Men's Retreat at Camp Li Lo Li

Friday, July 27, 2012

CCA Registration Open

Prayer Collective At The Buffalo Christian Center

Prayer Collective (www.prayercollective.com), a regional collaborative of intercessors, musicians and worshippers seeking to worship Jesus on earth as he is in heaven has taken up new residence at the Buffalo Christian Center. Due to facility renovations at Lafayette Presbyterian Church the ministry sought to find a place of common ground in the Christian community. The natural place for that was the Christian Center. “The Buffalo Christian Center has been the one place where for generations past Christians of all denominations have gathered together. We are happy to be able to do this once  again and what better way to do it then through prayer and worship,” said founder Kyle Patterson. Churches and ministries wanting to be involved in the effort should contact the Collective through their website at www.prayercollective.com

Benny Hinn to Speak at The Tabernacle and Zion Dominion this August

Pastor and Evangelist Benny Hinn will be speaking at The Tabernacle in Orchard Park, Saturday August 11 and at Zion Dominion Global Ministries in Amherst, August 12 at 6pm. Hinn is known for his faith filled healing meetings seen on television all over the world. Hinn actually has a long history of ministering in WNY dating back to the early days of his ministry at the Tabernacle.

Disaster Relief Training Set for September

Crisis Response International has announced their East Coast fall training will take place in Madison, Ohio September 23-28. The five day intensive training equips believers in various skills to minister the gospel in the midst of crisis including Search and Rescue, Prophetic Evangelism, Chaplaincy, Healing and Deliverance and much more.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Northeastern Seminary Classes in Buffalo

The Chapel Announces Renovation Institute

The Chapel at Crosspoint has announced the formation of the Renovation Institute, an intensive, two-year, thirty-six hour program to prepare men and women to be on God’s mission for His church. Classes takes place every Monday night starting August 20 from 6-8PM at The Apex facility on The Chapel's Getzville location.

"It is our belief that the church needs men and women who are thoroughly equipped for missional behavior (to be passionately engaged in reaching their geography with the Gospel) by embracing missional thought. And missional thought occurs when followers of Christ ask and seek to implement these questions:
What does God want to do through His church?
What would it look like if God did it?"

Teachers at the school include Dr. Deone Drake, Jonathan Drake, Dr. Jerry Gillis, Dr. Ryan Kozey and Daryl Largis.

Registration deadline is August 3. Classes begin August 20.

Find out more at thechapel.com/ri

Advancing In the Supernatural--This Weekend at Sword of the Spirit

Brothers McClurg In Batavia Tonight

Brothers McClurg is celebrating the launch of their new album "Join in the Sound" with a concert tonight at City Church in Batavia. The band is making their new album available to the public for the first time tonight.
The album can be previewed at New Release Tuesday--http://www.newreleasetuesday.com/home.php

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Kingdom Bound 2012

Legacy 2012

Brothers McClurg Set to Release "Join In The Sound"

Brothers McClurg, a worship band hailing from western New York, invites listeners to Join In The Sound with their first full-length album releasing July 31.
     The new project follows the band’s 2011 introductory digital EP Alive, which was lauded by Worship Leader magazine for its “tight harmonies” and “creative rhythms.” For Join In The Sound, Brothers McClurg delivers more of those signature harmonies on 10 new songs plus three songs from the EP.
     Fronted by “real life” brothers Anthony and Chris Hoisington, Brothers McClurg is a band of Christian brothers from various church traditions who share a desire to see lives changed through worship. The band took the name Brothers McClurg as a way to signify their bond of fellowship while honoring Pastor Bill McClurg, Anthony and Chris’ maternal grandfather and a stalwart ministry leader within their community.
     “There are many different people who are part of Brothers McClurg,” explains Chris Hoisington, a worship leader who serves at both Brockport Free Methodist and Lafayette Presbyterian churches in that area. “It’s really a community of our friends, a collaboration, which in a small way, is what Join In The Sound really means.”
     With an eclectic style that draws on rock, folk and country influences, Join In The Sound was produced by the Hoisingtons along with Joseph Secchiaroli and features 13 songs, most of which were written or co-written by Anthony and Chris. Guest writers and co-writers include Paul Baloche, Glenn Packiam, Don Poythress, Mark Harris, Anthony Skinner, Carl Cartee, Mia Fieldes, All Sons & Daughters andRend Collective Experiment. The songs themselves range from the hymn-like “From Every Stormy Wind That Blows” to the infectious praise of “You Shine Through,” a co-write with Rend Collective and the band’s first iTunes single.

Through the cracks in all of us / Through the fractures and our dust

You shine through, You shine through

     “When I think of Join In The Sound, I think of the invitation that God gives all of his creation to worship Him,” says Anthony Hoisington, the worship ministry director for Northgate Free Methodist Church in Batavia. “It’s a calling that has been placed within all of us. We all have a sound to contribute to the overall conversation. And we need to let that sound out. We are called to be involved along with everything around us to join in the sound and worship our Lord.”

The complete track list for Join In The Sound, including songwriters, is:

Tune Up – instrumental
Join In The Sound – written by Glenn Packiam, Chris Hoisington, Anthony Hoisington
I Believe In Hope – written by Chris Hoisington, Anthony Hoisington, Don Poythress, Anthony Skinner
You Shine Through – written by the Hoisingtons and Gareth Gilkerson and Chris Llewellyn of Rend Collective Experiment
From Every Stormy Wind That Blows – written by Hugh Stowell, Thomas Hastings and the Hoisingtons
Forgiven Forever – written by Glenn Packiam, Mark Harris and Carl Cartee
Come To The Fount – written by Anthony and Chris Hoisington
All Around – written by Anthony and Chris Hoisington and Mia Fieldes
Lean Not – written by Anthony & Chris Hoisington and Leslie Jordan and David Leonard of All Sons & Daughters
I Just Need You – written by Anthony & Chris Hoisington
Caught In The Moment – written by Anthony & Chris Hoisington, Don Poythress and Tony Wood
Alive – written by Chris & Anthony Hoisington and Leslie Jordan & David Leonard of All Sons & Daughters
Living Water – written by David Lunsford
Just Say – written by Paul Baloche, Anthony & Chris Hoisington

     Brothers McClurg will be sharing their new songs while on tour this summer and fall, including appearances at Kingdom Bound music festival in Darien, New York, August 6-8.

About Brothers McClurg: Hailing from the Buffalo, New York area, the members of Brothers McClurg desire to carry Jesus’ message of life, hope and forgiveness to their own city and to every community they encounter, blessing the Church and uniting the body of Christ in worship. Additional information can be found at http://brothersmcclurg.com/ and http://www.facebook.com/brothersmcclurg. To follow Brothers McClurg on Twitter, visit https://twitter.com/BrothersMcClurg.

Peace of the City Announces Performances of Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing

Peace of the City’s premier program "Shakespeare Comes to (716)" is back for a fourth season. This July 20-24 Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing is performed by a cast drawn from multiple Buffalo Public middle and high schools. Set in a local beauty parlor, this comedy comes to life with wit and gossip gone terribly wrong and the classic battle of the sexes.

Performances are

Friday, July 20, 7pm
Saturday, July 21, 7pm
Sunday, July 22, 4pm
Monday, July 23, 7pm

All performances are at Ujima TheatreLoft on 545 Elmwood Avenue, Buffalo, 14222.

This is a “Pay-What-You-Can” event~
First come, first seated and no pre-sale tickets. All 4 performances sold out last year.

For more information, please call Mark Cerbone, 716.883.2799

Since 1992, Peace of the City Ministries has been a “roll up your sleeves and get to work“ outfit.
Motivated by Jesus’ call to “love your neighbor”, dedicated staff and volunteers offer a range of relevant programs designed to provide young people with the skills, tools and values needed to succeed educationally, break the cycle of poverty, and lead meaningful, productive lives and hopefully become community leaders and role models.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Feed the Children Returns to Buffalo

On Wednesday, July 25, Feed the Children is returning to Buffalo with their Americans Feeding Americans Campaign to assist 1,200 families with food and personal care items. The event is sponsored by Feed the Children and Pepsi Co. The Buffalo Dream Center, The Belle Center, and Buffalo AmeriCorps are spearheading the event.

The event will take place just outside the Belle Center on Busti Avenue between Maryland Street and Hudson Street from 12:00pm until 3:00pm. All families receiving help have been pre-identified by various organizations, ministries, and programs already in a mentoring relationship with the families.

Volunteers are needed to make this event possible, the Dream Center is looking for people to assist with the food line, help people get their boxes of food and personal care items home, assist with bagging donated items, and assist with clean up.

Volunteers are asked to show up at 10:30am on the day of the event. Families are welcome.

The Dream Center will be registering some families for the event at Adopt-A-Block on Friday, July 20, 2012. For Adopt-a-Block, teams will meet at the side of The Belle Center (on Busti Avenue) at 7:00pm. Adopt-A-Block will conclude by 900pm.

The address of The Belle Center is 104 Maryland Street, Buffalo, NY 14201.

Monday, July 16, 2012

World Leadership Center Opening in Orchard Park

The Tabernacle in Orchard Park is pleased to announce the Grand Opening of the new World Leadership Center, Sunday night, July 22nd at 7:00 pm.  Their special speaker is Rev. Darius Pridgen, pastor of True Bethel Baptist Church and a member of the Buffalo Common Council.  Special guest for the evening will be former Senator Anthony Nanula and several other important leadership of our Western New York community. 

Included in the night will be a special time of prayer for Anthony Nanula from a spiritual father, Pastor Tommy Reid. Added to the evening will be a prayer over Al Warner from this leadership group to cover him as he fills the position of Chaplain of the Buffalo Common Council on behalf of the regional church.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Mayor Brown Joins In With Breakout 2012

photo by Joy Boss
Mayor Byron Brown is apparently not afraid to get his hands dirty, lending a hand to this year's Breakout Outreach, an annual week long outreach by nearly 20 churches looking to revitalize Buffalo both spiritually, by presenting clear gospel messages each day, and physically, through daily work projects.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Race to the Finish Released

Race to the Finish, a motion picture filmed and produced in WNY was released on DVD this past Sunday with producer Greg Robbins speaking at the Tabernacle in Orchard Park. Robbins believes God wants to restore wholesome entertainment that counters the anti-morality message prevalent in most films today. The movie, based on a true story from Robbins' life deals with the hot topic of youth bullying and a young boy's triumph over and through it. DVD copies are available on their website at www.racetothefinishthemovie.com

Lance Wallnau/Randy Clark to Keynote Kingdom Conference

Elim Fellowship has announced Lance Wallnau and Randy Clark will keynote their annual "Kingdom Conference" this September at their Lima, NY headquarters. The network of over 1,000 churches and ministries led by Pastor Ron Burgio of Lovejoy Church in Lancaster has consistently brought in some of the top names in Charismatic Christianity and this year proves to be no different. The conference takes place September 20-22.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Breakout/LoveBuffalo Partnering to Reach West Side

Breakout, a ministry started out of the Tabernacle in Orchard Park connecting various churches together for youth orientated summer outreaches and work projects and LoveBuffalo, an similar outreach out of The Wesleyan Church of Hamburg are once again teaming up to impact Buffalo's West Side for Christ this week, July 8-13. The ministry headquarters for the week is 175 Potomac Avenue, as nearly 200 youth are participating in reaching the community. Self described as, "a movement of many churches in Western New York partnering together to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. WE will become the hands and feet of Christ while serving the west side community in Buffalo."

Dream Center Active in Ministry this Summer

Teams from all over the country and Canada are here in Buffalo making a difference in the lives of inner city families through various outreaches led by Eric Johns and The Buffalo Dream Center. The outreaches include Kidz Club, Adopt-A-Block, Project Prevention, and outreaches to the homeless are just some of the ministries that are taking place every day.

Kidz Club is a ministry of the Dream Center that takes the Gospel right into the most high-risk neighborhoods in Buffalo. Every day children spend their summer vacations surrounded by gang violence, shootings, and drug dealers. The Buffalo Dream Center invades the darkness by bringing an exciting children's program into five neighborhoods throughout the entire summer. The darkness and violence is replaced by clowns, games, squirt guns, snacks, crafts, and a powerful message of the love of Jesus that not only attracts children, but parents and neighbors as well.

Adopt-A-Block is another ministry started by Johns and the Dream Center. "I always tell people, that if I planted a new church today, the first ministry I would start would be Adopt-A-Block," said Pastor Eric Johns. Adopt-A-Block builds relationships with families through acts of love and service. Mowing lawns, washing dishes, and picking up trash are just some of the things teams do as they work their way around a block. The service to the community opens up doors that allows team members to pray for families - meeting the most important need of a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Jim and Jill Kelly to Speak at Renovation Church Tomorrow

Jim and Jill Kelly are scheduled to speak at Renovation Church, Sunday July 8 at the church's three services. Renovation Church is located at 567 Hertel Avenue in Buffalo's Northwest side. Renovation Church is a church plant originally from The Chapel at Crosspoint in Getzville and has seen tremendous growth expanding to three Sunday services teaching almost 1,000 people a week about the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
     Jim and Jill Kelly, while not new faces in the WNY community, have been circulating among the Christian community sharing their "grace story" as written in their NY Times bestselling book, Without a Word.

Night at the Ballpark

The Buffalo Bisons are hosting Rock the Lakes Buffalo Night at the Ballpark on July 21. The night is actually a fundraiser event to promote the September 22-23 event, also at Coca-Cola Field featuring Franklin Graham.
     There will be a pre-game party starting at 5:00 PM with food and musical entertainment; raffles, and basket auctions during the game; and pyrotechnics after the game.
     Rock the Lakes will receive 50% of every special $10 discount PURCHASED IN ADVANCE either though this link Presale Buffalo Bison Tickets or by contacting Lindsay Carucci at the Bisons office byemail or phone: (716) 846-2040.

Rock the Lakes Set for September. Is Your Church Involved?

Rock the Lakes Buffalo is quickly approaching and churches across the region are getting involved in various ways including participating in the Christian Life and Witness course held at various venues. Churches and ministries are also urged to share in the partnership of the two day festival by taking up an offering on behalf of the festival being hosted at Coca-Cola Field September 22-23 where thousands are expected to come out. The evangelistic rally will feature messages by Franklin Graham each night and a music festival by names like Michael W. Smith, Skillet, Rend Collective Project and others.

First Niagara Center to Host Good Friday Service

Sources familiar with the project say that a Good Friday service at the First Niagara Center is being planned by the churches that participated in the "Road to Christmas". "Road to Christmas" was an effort by The Chapel at Crosspoint, Zion Dominion Global Ministries, Eastern Hills Wesleyan and City Church in Batavia to share pulpits, trade worship teams and model what it means to be one Church in the region. According to sources familiar with the planning, First Niagara Center has been donated to these churches on Good Friday 2013 to host what would be one of the largest Christian gatherings since Promise Keepers last came to what was then Rich Stadium. More details to come as they become available.

Nik Wallenda Takes Prayer Walks to New Heights, Literally

When we heard that a stunt man was coming to Niagara Falls to do a never seen before walk across Niagara Falls, more than a few had their doubts and most really didn't pay attention until the time drew nearer. But when the world began hearing Wallenda praising God while performing one of the most notable stunts in history, Christians around the world began rejoicing that millions of people were given another opportunity to hear about the good news of faith in Jesus. While Wallenda didn't actually preach or bow and pray, his faith in God and trust in Jesus was evident as he walked the line across two countries and made history while praising and thanking God all the way over. As prayer walks have gained momentum and become a popular church unifying tool, this I have to say topped them all. Thanks Nik for your prayers and faith to do the seemingly impossible and reminding us that with God all things are indeed possible.

Mobilize Retreat

Friday, July 6, 2012

Events at Sword of the Spirit

Brothers McClurg Release, "You Shine Through"

"The song itself reminds me a lot of "Alive" it has that folky catchy chorus," says Brothers McClurg front man Chris Hoisington about their new single "You Shine Through" that premiered on iTunes this past June. The song is the first single release off of the new album by Chris and Anthony Hoisington, two local WNY musicians that were signed by Integrity Music two years ago. The band will be releasing the full album in time for Kingdom Bound this August 5-8.

Campground Open for the Season

Branches of Niagara is open for the camping season at the 70 acre site situated right on Grand Island. The camp was started by a group of Christians in  2010 and has seen excellent reviews of the facilities and camper experience. New this year at the campground is a beautiful, sandy beach, expanded zipline and additional boats and kayaks.

Prayer Collective at The BCC

Prayer Collective (www.prayercollective.com), a regional collaborative of intercessors, musicians and worshippers seeking to worship Jesus on earth as he is in heaven has taken up new residence at the Buffalo Christian Center. Due to facility renovations at Lafayette Presbyterian Church the ministry sought to find a place of common ground in the Christian community. The natural place for that was the Christian Center. “The Buffalo Christian Center has been the one place where for generations past Christians of all denominations have gathered together. We are happy to be able to do this once  again and what better way to do it then through prayer and worship,” said co-founder Kyle Patterson.

Churches and ministries wanting to be involved in the effort should contact the Collective through their website at www.prayercollective.com

NES Informational Meeting

Northeastern Seminary is hosting an informational meeting July 16 about their Buffalo campus and the upcoming opportunities. The meeting will be an introduction to their master’s degree programs offered at Northeastern Seminary—for ordination, for expanded theological understanding, for effective lay leadership. NES invites you to, "Join other men and women exploring seminary and meet with faculty and staff to learn about our ethos, programs, distinctives, admissions process, and how a Northeastern experience equips you to better share in the mission of God."

Events this Summer at The Tabernacle

Bishop Levy and Delia Knox (center) are welcomed by Wanda (left) and
Tommie Reid shortly after Delia was healed and walked out
of her wheelchair. The couple will be speaking July 15 at The Tabernacle
in Orchard Park.
 The Tabernacle in Orchard Park released their summer speaker schedule recently and it features some of the top names in charismatic Christianity including Matt Sorger who spoke June 24-June 26, Delia and Levy Knox July 15 at the 10am and 7pm service, Benny Hinn on Saturday August 11 at 7:00pm and Dino Kartsonakis one of the leading Christian concert pianist August 19th at 7pm. The Tabernacle is located at 3210 Southwestern Blvd in Orchard Park.

Benny Hinn will be speaking at The Tabernacle August 11 at 7PM

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

5 Questions with Jim Cymbala

Jim Cymbala
Author, Pastor 
Brooklyn Tabernacle
Interview conducted at Eastern Hills Wesleyan Church by Kyle Patterson.

Tell me about the House of Prayer mentality? The burden that is in my heart is to encourage pastors. There are many areas where we all fail as James says and stumble and we aren't doing it exactly as we need to. As I talk to pastors one of the things that does come up a lot is pastors tell me, “I am preaching the word, it’s doctrinally right, we’ve got good health we’ve got good music but there isn’t a real spirit of prayer as we see in the New Testament so what do you think about that?” If I preach on that it seems to resonate. So it’s not like I am telling people to make your model into a house of prayer because I don’t know what that looks like. I think it looks different in each church. I think we can all agree as Christian leaders that there has to be a real return to prayer and calling on God because look at all the promises that are connected.
Is there a place for regional prayer gatherings?  It seems in the Bible it is always right to be praying. Whether you pray within the church, minister all alone or cross denominationally, it’s all very good.
You mentioned prayer as a outward symbol of people’s spiritually maturity, what do you mean by that? Usually it (prayer) can be linked to the  spirituality of the people to practice prayer because we know it is probably the highest spiritual discipline. Pastors, I think need to preach more and more effectively on God’s promise about prayer so that the people through the Spirit and the Word get an appetite for it. Like, “Yeah I’ve complained, I felt bad, I called my aunt, my uncle, I complained, I felt sorry for myself, hey, I didn’t pray about this.” It seems like it’s simple and basic but we know sometimes we do everything but pray. 
You mentioned your story about  starting your church and your first week’s offering was $85, how did you persevere when ministry wasn’t easy? By the grace of God.
What advice would you give someone today? Mark 3. He called them that they may be with him. You have to spend time with the Lord so your batteries can get recharged, that your faith can be built up. He is the God of all comfort the Bible says who comforts us in all our troubles. You have to be with him to let that comfort be effectual. You preach, you pray, you plod. At the beginning there was a lot of plodding and there still is. God gave me grace to do it one more day because you don’t see changes overnight, you have to keep at it and at it and at it.  So he is the God who gives us perseverance so we just have to go to the throne of Grace because, "God we not only need mercy I need the grace of perseverance so I don’t quit.” I tried to quit twice and he blocked me. I got so discouraged. Really, there is no other formula that I know of.

Monday, July 2, 2012

(Sponsored Post--THRiVE! is a media sponsor of the event)