Friday, September 9, 2011

Your Role in God’s Promises

By Robert Stearns
I’ve noticed a remarkable phenomenon over the past number of years, which seems to be growing in intensity. It has to do with the catastrophic events taking place in every corner of the globe. Civil strife, ecological disaster, political unrest. No one seems to be unaware or untouched by these disturbing incidents, which are changing the fabric of life as we have always known it.
     The phenomenon I have noticed in the midst of all this is that the events we hear about on the six o’clock news, the flashing alerts that interrupt our web browsing, the black and white headlines splashed across the front of our local newspapers, all have one thing in common. Today’s news seems to have more in common with the Bible than ever before.
     A perfect example of this is the upheaval going on in Egypt right now. Many of us remember opening up our Bibles to Isaiah 19 this past winter when everything there started to break out. The words we read made the Prophet Isaiah sound like a news correspondent on CNN! Certainly, few would argue the Bible’s relevance, wisdom and accuracy in application to our world today.
     Space does not permit me to go into the many layers and nuance there are to biblical prophecy. But what I am saying, and what I hope you grasp, is that you and I are alive at a very exciting and momentous time in human history. Many times throughout Scripture, God makes declarations through his prophets concerning future events to take place at an appointed time. He often begins these prophecies with the phrase, “In that day…” I want to boldly declare to you that I believe “that day” is today! Promises of reconciliation and the outpouring of the Spirit – spoken of throughout biblical history – are coming to fruition in our day.
     I often speak on the Tabernacle of David – that bastion of worship and prayer that God promised would be raised up again in a future season (see Amos 9:11). The global emphasis being placed on intercession, and the desire Believers now have for the presence of God is, I believe, evidence that we are seeing this promise fulfilled again in the last days Church.
     God’s stated purposes are alive and well, and are coming to pass before our eyes. Of course, this fact holds more bearing on the land and people of Israel than it does on any other entity. God is still at work in this place, and His purpose will be accomplished in and through Israel. Although we don’t know what exactly that entails, or how it will all unfold, we do know one critically important part of the puzzle: God’s end-time covenantal purposes surrounding Israel involve us!
     You – yes, you – are a part of the miraculous work God is doing in this hour. You have a role to play in fulfilling God’s covenant purposes! All you need do is open the Bible and read your lines.
Don’t miss these two important events in your area:
     October 2, 2011 The Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem Already, millions of Christians around the globe are praying for the peace of Jerusalem the first Sunday of every October in accordance with the biblical mandate found in Psalm 122:6. And around the world, Believers are joining together to celebrate what God has done, is doing and will surely accomplish through Israel. Visit and get equipped.
     November 6, 2011 The Buffalo Celebrates Israel night will take place at Zion Dominion Global Ministries, hosted by Pastor Roderick Hennings. We look forward to being joined by many friends from the Jewish community. Buffalo Celebrates Israel is free and open to the public. Mark your calendar today…You have an appointment with destiny! Check events.
     Regional leaders who have already come on board as part of the host committee include Dr. Ron Burgio, LoveJoy Church; Pastor Wayne Dent, Faith Tabernacle Church; Pastor Jerry Gillis, The Chapel; Pastors Vernal and Narseary Harris, Prince of Peace Temple COGIC; Pastor John Hasselbeck, North Gate; Pastor Roderick Hennings, Zion Dominion Global Ministries; Pastor Mark Hill, Covenant Community Church; Pastor Marty Macdonald, City Church; Debra Minotti, Ebenezer Emergency Fund; Todd Moser, The Bridge; Donna Naedele, My Father’s House; Rabbi Perry Netter, Temple Beth Tzedek; Pastors Mike and Anita Nolder, Living Waters Church; Pastor Lou Perez, Destiny Christian Church; Pastor Jose Robles, His Dwelling Place.
     I want to invite you today into a greater understanding and a deeper love for Israel. God Himself arranges the times and places in which everyone is born (see Acts 17:26), and you are alive today in Western New York for a reason. Join with the Spirit in the work of unity that is springing up in this region as Churches reach out in brotherly love to the Jewish people with words of hope and healing.
     Will you please, now, mark your calendar to join me and dozens of area leaders for a special event in which we celebrate our relationship with Israel and the Jewish people? Don’t miss your cue!

Robert Stearns is the founder and executive director of Eagles' Wings, an international relational network of believers, churches, and ministries committed to the lifestyle of biblical spirituality, the unity of the Body of Christ, and God’s enduring covenant with Israel.  Robert also serves as co-chairman of the Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem, and is the Publisher of KAIROS Magazine.

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