Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Open Center Saturday

The Buffalo Christian Center, the 66,000 square foot center of ministry at 512 Pearl Street in Buffalo has announced the "new" beginning of Open Center Saturdays this Saturday October 27 saying in an email announcement....

  "We here at the Buffalo Christian Center would like to extend an invite to our Saturday morning program Open Center Saturday! Come in from 11am-3pm and experience all this awesome building has to offer in downtown Buffalo. Our official start date is October 27th, 2012. We hope to see you here for 4 hrs of basketball, roller skating, swimming and swimming lessons (pool scheduled to open in November!) and a variety of games including putt putt mini golf, NEW foos ball tables, NEW pool tables, and so much more. The price is $5 per person over the age of 3. Children must be accompanied by Parent or Guardian while in the building. For more Information call the Center at (716) 856-7495. Attached, we have a pass good for ONE free individual when you purchase one pass! Please print and present at the front desk on your day of arrival with your  name, contact information, and where you received the pass from.

We hope to see you here & Please spread the news by printing out these fliers!

Court of Appeals Refuses Look at Legality of Gay 'Marriage'

Rev. Jason J. McGuire, Executive Director NYCF
Yesterday New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms (NYCF) received word that the New York State Court of Appeals has refused to allow evidence to be presented in a case questioning the legality of the process and procedure whereby same-sex "marriage" became law in New York.

The case, known as New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms v. New York State Senate, was first filed in July 2011. The Honorable Robert Wiggins, Livingston County Supreme Court Judge, upheld New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms' (NYCF) right to present evidence questioning the legality of the process by which "marriage" became law. In his decision, Wiggins said:

The State Attorney General's office filed court papers seeking to dismiss the suit brought by NYCF and other plaintiffs that could overturn New York's same-sex "marriage" law, but Judge Wiggin's decision soundly denied that action.

Judge Wiggins was particularly interested in the court's role regarding the Governor's use of the message of necessity (a legal mechanism that allows legislation to immediately move to the floor for a vote, rather than age the normal three-day waiting period). Judge Wiggins' decided:

"Logically and clearly this cite by the Governor is disingenuous. The review of such concept altering legislation for three days after generations of existing definitions would not so damage same-sex couples as to necessitate an avoidance of rules meant to ensure full review and discussion prior to any vote. Nonetheless, this Court is reluctantly obliged to rule that that the message of necessity submitted by the Governor was accepted by vote of the Senate, and is NOT within this Court's province to nullify."

"...Although the disregard for the statute seems evident, the Court feels constrained to not rule on the Governor's certification of necessities."

"It is ironic that much of the State's brief passionately spews sanctimonious verbiage on the separation of powers in the governmental branches, and clear arm-twisting by the Executive on the Legislative permeates the entire process."

When it came to alleged Open Meetings Law violations, Wiggins decided:

"...The Court must consider allegations by Plaintiff as true. Considering Plaintiff's allegations, and without deciding matter at this time, the Court feels that is a justiciable issue presented whether there was a violation of the Open Meetings Law."

It was on this point that the Honorable Judge Wiggins decided that NYCF's suit should be heard.

The State Attorney General's office filed papers seeking an appeal on Judge Wiggins' Decision. The Appellate Court, Fourth Division, sided with the Attorney General.

In August 2012, NYCF filed an appeal with the New York State Court of Appeals. Today NYCF was informed that the Court has refused to allow evidence to be presented.

Rev. Jason J. McGuire, Executive Director, New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms, reacted to the Court's decision saying:

"We're disappointed, but not surprised, by today's decision. Every time the people of a state have had opportunity to vote on this issue, they have rejected same-sex 'marriage', but when rogue legislators and activist courts get involved they reject the will of the people."

"Essentially this was a case that didn't look at the morality of gay 'marriage', but the legality of the process and procedure by which it became law. What is most troubling is that the court has surrendered its rightful role as a check and balance on an out-of-control Legislature. It is the last defense against legislators that simply pursue political aspirations, rather than the interests of the people they were elected to represent. This was simply put not good government."

"With two weeks to the General Election, voters will have their say. They've already spoken up in various districts including the 43rd Senate District where Senator Roy McDonald lost his seat after voting for gay 'marriage'. The drumbeat is only growing louder."

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Inception at Restoration

INCEPTION, an Acts29 (church planting network) regional event was hosted yesterday at Restoration Church in Amherst, NY.  The open event was targeting those who are interested in church planting or who are in the first years of it. J.R. Vassar, the founding pastor of Apostle's Church in New York City was the keynote speaker of the event that brought together a mostly young crowd of church planters. Vassar encouraged attendees to fulfill their role in God's plan for their city and stay within the bounds of what God had called them to do, not more, not less. Citing the life of John the Baptist who said, 'I must decrease, he must increase' and was a friend of the Bridegroom, Vassar exhorted the mostly young crowd of church planters from Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, Albany and NYC to not over extend what God had called them to do, relieving some of the pressure that church planters typically are under. Breakout sessions were included during the event with tracks including:
          Option #1 - "Funding a vision" - Alex Adema and GCM
          Option #2 - "Your Priesthood" (Breakout for worship & creative types) - Wes Walters, Scott Womer, Jim Murphy
          Option #3 - "The Team" - w/Jordan Stinziano.

The day finished with a message from J. R. Vassar on Exegeting Your Culture, where he exhorted pastors and teachers to understand what the culture is telling their people and how to speak into it and make a stark contrast between what culture is telling people to do and what Jesus is calling people to.

Friday, October 12, 2012

After 101 Years Ministry Still Going Strong

Pastor Ned LaMarti
     In the autumn of 1901, 101 years ago, Woodside Methodist Episcopal Church dedicated their new church building across from beautiful Cazenovia Park on Red Jacket Road and Abbott Road in South Buffalo. The iconic Red Door Church was designed by M. Harris and built for $30,000. Started in 1873 it is the oldest church in South Buffalo moved from Seneca Street to Abbott Road.
     Once again, Pastor Ned LaMarti, a native of South Buffalo, is making a renewed commitment to this 101 year old structure and South Buffalo. “This building has been and will continue to be an icon of God's continued love and service to South Buffalo’s residents.” Said Pastor LaMarti, “For over a century the church was a hub of social and spiritual activity, we are excited about Living Stone Fellowship’s current success and hoping for a bright future.

On October 14, 2012 at 11 am, 675 Abbott Road, South Buffalo, Comptroller Mark JF Schroeder will be on hand to speak of the history of the century old the Woodside Methodist Church and will officiate the rededication of the building as Living Stone Fellowship.
     The church offers: Caz Cavern, “open mic” at 7 p.m. on Thursday; Bible Chat at 7 p.m. on Wednesday; Christo's Cafe, “worship service and fellowship!” at 7 p.m. on Friday; and Sunday Worship Service at 11 a.m. on Sunday.

Living Stones motto is “be yourself, baggage included!”

Billy Graham Meets With Mitt Romney

Evangelist Billy Graham, 93, issued the following statement after meeting today in his North Carolina home with presidential candidate, Gov. Mitt Romney:

"It was an honor to meet and host Governor Romney in my home today, especially since I knew his late father former Michigan Governor George Romney, whom I considered a friend. I have followed Mitt Romney's career in business, the Olympic Games, as governor of Massachusetts and, of course, as a candidate for president of the United States.

"What impresses me even more than Governor Romney's successful career are his values and strong moral convictions. I appreciate his faithful commitment to his impressive family, particularly his wife Ann of 43 years and his five married sons.

"It was a privilege to pray with Governor Romney—for his family and our country. I will turn 94 the day after the upcoming election, and I believe America is at a crossroads. I hope millions of Americans will join me in praying for our nation and to vote for candidates who will support the biblical definition of marriage, protect the sanctity of life and defend our religious freedoms."

Billy Graham (center) and his son, Franklin, met with Gov. Mitt Romney during his visit to the evangelist's mountain home this afternoon, while in the region for a speaking engagement in Asheville this evening. At the end of their half-hour discussion, Mr. Graham prayed for the governor, his family and our nation during this critical time.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Ted Cadwallader To Speak at Business Men's Fellowship

Ameriprise Financial Representative Ted Cadwallader will speak Tuesday, October 16 at Protocol Restaurant in Williamsville from 12-1 for Business Men's Fellowship's October meeting. Ted is also an ordained minister and very active in church work, a family man with four children and eight grandchildren and also operates his own faith based business coaching practice. Ted's office is in Getzville, NY near UB North campus. Register today to attend at


Orlando-based progressive worship collective, Bellarive, use every instrument at their disposal, whether it be organic or synthetic, to creatively build the grand style of worship found on debut The Heartbeat.

Mission: Generation Flux

Have you ever noticed that every time you use Google or Facebook something has changed? And more than often, irritatingly so because change implies abandoning the way you did it before. If there is one reason why modern phenomena like Facebook, Google, and Twitter have thrived is because they are committed to constant change. They are always cranking out new ways of doing it. At the helm of these modern movements are young twenty-somethings who have redefined their generation, leaving older generations to scratch their heads in reservation.
Constant Change. They have been called the “Google Generation”, “The Social Networking Generation”, and even “Generation Flux”. They are today’s generation of twenty-somethings who are defined by constant change that is fueled by technological innovation. The “Gen-Flux Generation” (as we will refer to them for this article) are like chameleons, always morphing into new things so that they become like constantly moving targets. Not only are they constantly changing, but they are doing so while they are on the move. While they are walking, watching TV or (we hope not) driving, they fire off emails, thumb out texts, and update their Facebook.
Non-Nostalgic. “Gen-Fluxers” prefer to adapt to new situations than to perfect the status quo. To them, there is no status quo; there is only a process of change. The new generation of young innovators has been described by technologist Peter Diamandus as in “Permenant Beta” (works in progress). In other words, when it comes to new ideas, instead of remaining on shore, they continually launch out into the unknown. This young, elusive generation possesses a non-nostalgic focus on the future that resists being stuck in the past. Just ask a “Gen-Fluxer” when is the last time they visited a post office or used a stamp and you will see what I mean. They would sooner send a text and on a rare occasion an email.

Always plugged in. “Gen-Fluxers” get their life perspective from multiple sources of media without even being there. Just when you think they miss a church event they will say, “I caught the podcast on my phone”.  To “Gen-Fluxers”, the conversation never ends because they are always connected through technology. There are, however, limits to getting all your interactions, and revelations from media. Media can be remixed and manipulated to service unique points of view.  It also goes without saying that media can never compensate for the absence of face-to-face connection. Too much is missed when you are not together within the same time and space.
Uncertainty. Because of this type of culture, “Gen-Fluxers” must endure ambiguity with their lives going in many directions at once. They no longer rely on established business models that promise long careers up corporate ladders. So they become jacks of all trades with many spinning plates in the air. These can include more than one job, career, or business venture. The uncertainty that comes in the wake of all the spinning plates is accompanied by instability, a vague sense of identity, and in many cases moral relativism.  
 How did we get here?
 A question must be asked in all this. If this new generation is called Generation Flux, than what is the older generation called? Leonard Sweet, in his book Viral, calls them the “Guttenberg Generation” because of Johannes Gutenberg’s invention of the printing press around the year 1440.  Before the printing press, books were hand-written by scribes and very rare in the world, resulting in the slow progress of knowledge. With the printing press also came the multiplication of knowledge throughout the world. With that knowledge came the culture of getting our perspective from “paper” or words on a page. The “Gutenberg Generation” tends to enjoy holding a book in their hands versus reading on a device. They focus on knowledge and ideas while “Gen-Fluxers” on relationships and connection. 
     Interestingly, for some Gen-Fluxers, when it comes to spirituality, they gravitate away from the ever-changing evangelical culture that has been marked by heavy emphasis on evangelistic preaching, testimonies, extemporaneous prayer, and strong emotion,  They do this in search of what they perceive as a deeper and richer worship experience. Their image-based customs attract them to the visual representation and the mystery in liturgical worship, the sacraments, the communal element of worship, the focus on Scripture and prayer. These produce beautiful, immutable visuals which appeal to a small segment of this generation.
When things began to change.
When the first personal computer came out in the late 1970’s, the way knowledge was distributed started making a quantum leap from paper to digital. Today, people read books on their tablets and reading devices as well as research information on the Web. Even some of us older ones have adapted using our Apple and Android devices for speaking.
How do we reach Generation Flux?
Although much can be said about reaching them, we can only give some places to start.
Celebrate their passion for finding spirituality through connecting with people. Remember this young generation is addicted to relationships through media and not necessarily attending a local church. I know this may sound strange to us Guttenhergers, but this is the way the Church in Acts began. After the proclamation of the gospel came establishing the believer through connecting with other believers. This happened when they went “house to house”. Making disciples does not simply mean classroom instruction, but living out life stories together.
      The older generation can also come along-side “Gen-Fluxers” by helping them see the difference between hating nostalgia (the past) and learning from it.  Although the past is not a hitching post, it should be a guide post.  Truth is relevant to every generation regardless of culture, philosophy, or innovation. The Ten Commandments come from our past and regardless of what age we live in, it is still wrong to kill, covet, and worship other gods.
“Gen-Fluxers” can be helped by the preceding generations if we stop trying to correct them before we connect with them. We older Christians love perfectly laid-out scriptural arguments and well-reasoned doctrine, but this young generation is more interested in questions like: Am I loved? Is there hope? Do you really care? These are not just lovely ideas but questions that invite encounter. God is not some abstract idea we put in a test tube, but a living Being who longs to touch humanity. “Taste and see that the Lord is good.”

Lou and Louisa Perez both grew up in New York City and met in the first Church Lou pastored in Schenectady, NY. In 1999 they started Destiny Christian Church in Niagara Falls with the vision of taking Church outside the four walls. Visit their website at

Hillsong Chapel

 Hillsong Chapel is a newly created series of intimate and devotional arrangements of popular Hillsong songs led by the Hillsong worship team. Recorded live in the Hillsong Chapel, Yahweh, the first installment in the series, contains organic and contemplative versions of top CCLI songs including "Mighty To Save", "Hosanna", "From The Inside Out", and the title track "Yahweh". Comprised of 13 songs, Hillsong Chapel's Yahweh is perfect for smaller gatherings, personal devotional, and will help resource churches wanting more intimate worship expressions.

Courageous Sound Track

The Courageous Soundtrack is available at your favorite Christian store and wherever you buy or download music. Hear from some of your favorite bands while reliving the heart of the movie. The Soundtrack features music by Casting Crowns, Third Day, Sanctus Real and Building 429.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

John Mika and The Teacher's Desk Featured in People Magazine

Western New Yorker John Mika and his ministry, The Teacher's Desk (a branch of Kingdom Bound Ministries) was featured in People Magazine and their Heroes Among Us section.

We originally featured the ministry in our October/November 2011 issue. 

The article reports, "Mika has provided $374,000 in supplies to 1,247 teachers since October 2011." 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Jeremy Camp, Big Daddy Weave, Aaron Shust

Cottage By The Sea

From bestselling and award-winning author Robin Jones Gunn--a poignant novel about a woman who must care for her ill and elderly father, hoping to mend both his health and their relationship.
Erin's new business as a wedding planner is running at full speed and her empty nest years are full of promise when she receives a call that puts everything on hold: her estranged father has had a stroke. The twinkle is fading from Jack O'Riley's Irish eyes and his calloused second wife leaves, making it clear this is not what she signed up for.
Suddenly Erin's visit to her father's cottage by the sea is extended indefinitely. At first the task before her is as daunting as the wild Oregon coast that has become her unwanted second home. Yet in the many hours she spends beside her ailing father, Erin finds a treasure hidden in the darkness. She reaches out and, at long last, receives the gift of healing.

Be A Better Dad Today!

The Honorable Gregory W. Slayton, best-selling author and father of four, doesn't beat around the bush: "Being a good dad isn't only vital for the future of our families and our society . . . it is critical to our own development as men." "Be a Better Dad Today "is an inspirational and practical guidebook for every father who wants to become the best dad he can be--for his family's sake and his own. With humor, empathy, common sense, tough talk and engaging stories from his personal experience, Slayton reveals user-friendly, simple-but never- simplistic techniques that will help every dad fulfill his God-given responsibilities. Whether readers are parenting younger or older kids, boys or girls, they will find wise insights and practical, doable action steps for becoming the father God created them to be.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Secret Power of Speaking God's Word

#1 New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer teaches readers how to create change in their lives and truly receive God's blessings. Includes powerful Scriptures covering over 50 topics, such as patience, loneliness, and wisdom.

Not a Fan

Are you a follower of Jesus? Don't answer too quickly. In fact, you may want to read this book before you answer at all. Consider it a 'Define the Relationship' conversation to determine exactly where you stand. You may indeed be a passionate, fully devoted follower of Jesus. Or, you may be just a fan who admires Jesus but isn't ready to let him cramp your style. Then again, maybe you're not into Jesus, period. In any case, don't take the question---Are you a follower of Jesus?---lightly. Some people don't know what they've said yes to and other people don't realize what they've said no to, says Pastor Kyle Idleman. But Jesus is ready to clearly define the relationship he wants with his followers. Not a Fan calls you to consider the demands and rewards of being a true disciple. With frankness sprinkled with humor, Idleman invites you to live the way Jesus lived, love the way he loved, pray the way he prayed, and never give up living for the One who gave his all for you.

Monday, October 1, 2012

America For Jesus Gathers 25,000

Bishop Anne Gimenez
Exactly 40 days before the national election, nearly 25,000 individuals gathered over two days on Independence Mall in Philadelphia, Sept. 28-29, for America for Jesus 2012 (AFJ). The purpose of this solemn assembly that gathered Christians representing all races, parties and denominations from across the United States, was to pray for the healing of our nation and call America back to God.

"Today we have come to a historic place to make spiritual history in America," said Rev. Billy Wilson, co-chair for America for Jesus 2012, acknowledging our nation's founding documents declaring we are 'one nation under God,' that were drafted and signed in nearby Independence Hall. "Today we have come back to this place because we believe America is in a spiritual drift that must be turned around."

"This is not a political rally; we have come today as the people of God," Wilson continued. "The destiny of our nation does not rest in Washington, D.C.; it does not rest in the White House, the congressional house or in the court house. We believe that the destiny of America rests in the church house and in your house and in my house."

State Senator Stewart Greenleaf noted that America was founded by God-inspired individuals like William Penn, telling the crowd, "Today has been designated by the Pennsylvania State Senate as William Penn Day, and we pray that our nation will continue to be a beacon to the world."

Deputy Philadelphia Mayor Richard Negrin brought greetings from City Hall saying, "You are standing on holy ground. In that building behind you, there are three words, 'We the people.' We have a right to exercise our religion, our free speech and all our rights in the Bill of Rights. Today you stand here with faith in your heart and a burning desire to worship just like William Penn did all those years ago."

The two-day event began with a youth rally on Friday evening. Bishop Anne Gimenez, pastor of The Rock Church International in Virginia Beach, Va., and co-chair of AFJ told several thousand teens gathered, "America for Jesus will be a shout heard around the world. This is a beginning of a push for righteousness in America. We're here to declare the Word of the Lord."

The program incorporated a diverse array of influential Christian leaders, including Bishop Harry Jackson, Vonette Bright, Rev. Jim Garlow, Rev. Cindy Jacobs and author Jonathan Cahn.

On Saturday, Dr. Tom Phillips, director of the Billy Graham Library in Charlotte, read a letter of greeting and solidarity from the 93-year-old evangelist, whom he said was burdened for America and plans to preach one more time on his 95th birthday next year.

"Nothing could be more urgent than for God's people to come together and pray for our nation and our world," Mr. Graham wrote. "Our only hope is to turn to the Lord Jesus Christ in repentance and faith and to seek to obey Him in every area of our lives, as individuals and also as a nation...As you gather in this historic place, which gave birth to our nation's Declaration of Independence, may your presence give birth to a new declaration for our nation, a declaration of dependence upon almighty God."

According to Rev. Sammy Rodriguez, the next great movement in America will not be the Tea Party nor the Occupy Wall Street movement, but a Christ-centered, Bible-based righteousness and justice movement. "I am convinced that America is not done with God and God is not done with America," he said.

"We are not here for an event, but to seek the heart of God, as there is a battle for the soul of our nation," said Doug Stringer. "God's blessing on this nation can become a path for America to bless the world; but it depends on a posture of humility in the Church. While men reach for thrones to build their own Kingdoms, Jesus came with a towel to wash his disciples' feet."

Television broadcaster Pat Robertson noted that in 1607, the first English settlers knelt in prayer around the cross, dedicating this new nation to the Lord. "I don't care what the ACLU says or any atheist says, this nation belongs to Jesus," he declared. "We will never change America through politics. We will only change America through a mighty outpouring of God's Holy Spirit."

Rev. Tony Perkins expressed gratitude to God that this nation was founded on righteousness and divine justice. "Our founders . . . did not build an altar to government; rather they launched a country that would honor you," he said. "Today we look for government to be all that we need. Government can never be all we need. We need you."

Throughout the day, other Christian leaders offered prayers for America and its people, including Bishop David Huskins: "You are not only the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, You are the God of George Washington, the God of Thomas Jefferson, the God of Patrick Henry and you are our God, the God of the United States of America. We are here to worship and acknowledge You and give praise to Your holy and righteous name."

Pastor Phil Cappuccio reminded the audience that, 236 years ago, the sound of the Liberty Bell was heard throughout this square. "Today, we lift up our voices – not in protest, but in repentance – that God will heal our land. Let there be a new sound, a sound of awakening."

Dallas Pastor Robert Jeffress called upon God, "I pray that as your people we will get up off our blessed assurances on Nov. 6, that we would go out and not vote for a party or a candidate but that we would cast a vote for righteousness. Our mandate is not to save America, but to save Americans from your coming judgment."

Early in the nine-hour rally, Rev. Wilson called for a time of repentance for the seven deadly sins – pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath and anger, and slothfulness – that are the root causes of the problems in our nation. Various Christian leaders led prayers for forgiveness for specific and related social issues, such poverty, unemployment, crime, sex trafficking and government stewardship.

"We have come to do surgery in the name of Jesus, going after the root to see our nation changed," Wilson said, before prayers were offered in each category during several hours of the program. "We believe God is going to heal the headwaters of America and see deliverance from these capital sins so that righteousness can again exalt our nation."

As a practical demonstration of Founding Father William Penn's sentiment, "Let us try what love will do," AFJ's Love Philadelphia reached out to the poor and needy of the City with a hand of compassion and a message of hope. On Sept. 15, more than 1500 volunteers gathered at eight care sites, serving 15,000 people with 150,000 pounds of groceries in the name of Jesus.

America for Jesus 2012 was organized by One Nation Under God, a coalition of ministries that sponsored the watershed Washington for Jesus events in the 80s and 90s, which focused on prayer, repentance and revival, based on God's promises found in 2 Chronicles 7:14.

To-date, the five national and numerous regional rallies attended by several hundred thousand people have made significant impact affecting millions across the country and the national movement continues to call for a return to biblical values rather than endorsing any particular party or candidate.

"Forty days before the election, we will be bringing the salt of the nation to the headwaters of America to pray for an awakening and for the spiritual needs of the country," said Billy Wilson, co-chair for America for Jesus 2012 and Executive Director of the International Center for Spiritual Renewal.

Rev. Herb Lusk commended the inclusive nature of the day's events, saying he was impressed by the leaders' reaching out to the African-American community and keeping the event from becoming politicized. "The committee came to me early and asked me for advice, and I told them it needed to be clear that this was about America, that it wasn't political, or the African-American community would not be involved," he said. "They listened, and it worked. Not only is God going to bless white America, he's going to bless black America."

Program participants and organizers alike expressed hope and excitement about the outcome of the rally. "I'm so encouraged the Body of Christ has come together in Philadelphia," said Vonette Bright. "I believe this will be the beginning of renewal and a spiritual awakening that will bring us back to the principles on which this nation was founded."

AFJ 2012 National Coordinator John Blanchard echoed her sentiments: "This is the most powerful solemn assembly I've ever personally attended. I believe a window of grace is open for the nation to launch renewal for transformation in America."