Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Let Them LOL Announces Fall Gala

Let Them LOL, "a community here for a community there" (Sierra Leone, Africa) announced their 2nd Annual Water Gala this coming November 18 at Salvatore's Grand Manor raising money for water wells overseas. The upscale event opens at 6 with dinner at 7 and includes a sit down dinner, jazz band, DJ, silent auction and photo op. To register visit www.ltlol.com

Monday, October 24, 2011

Ministry Awareness Fair Set for November 12

Hearts for the Homeless will be onsite to collect canned goods and winter apparel to give out to our areas neediest
Coming together under one roof on Saturday, November 12 from 10 – 2 PM will be over 30 ministries from across the Buffalo-Niagara region.  Multiple Christian denominations, ministries and Christ centered businesses will personally be in attendance to share how God has positioned them to be a light in our community.

The event is geared to promote and provide exposure to our area’s ministries as well as be a resource to Christians in this area.  For families there will be Christian youth and children’s programs represented, Christian camps with programs throughout the year, a Christian owned dance studio as well as a Christ centered martial arts club.  As a support in difficult times, care groups that minister to those considering divorce as well as those who have gone through divorce will be represented.

Also present will be ministries that God has gifted to shine as a light in both the church as well as the broken areas of our society.  Among issues addressed are addictions, unplanned pregnancy, homelessness, prostitution, and re-entry into society after prison.  Many of the ministries represented are those that truly go into the highways and byways of our region.  They both support the local church in addressing the deeper issues of brokenness in people’s lives as well as rely on the churches throughout this region to hold up their arms both through prayers and resources. 

This event will be taking place at 621 Payne Ave in North Tonawanda and is being hosted by Christian Academy of Western New York.  Hearts for the Homeless will be onsite to collect canned goods and winter apparel to give out to our areas neediest.  Also available will be fresh baked goods and Chiavetta’s chicken dinners to support Christian education at CAWNY.

Come join us and show your support to the many fellow servants of God in this region.  Be informed before the need arises.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

MISSION: Aids Event Planned for this December

(Left to right) Chris Hoisington, Mark Schnitzer and Drew Ludwig are going where few Christians have dared to go...reaching out to a people group few have dared to reach out to and they are calling Christians across the region to join them. Their mission: reach those suffering with AIDS in our own backyard.  photo by Kyle  Patterson

AIDS is not something the church in general talks about. Yet, in 2009 there were a recorded 33.3 million people living with and suffering from the disease worldwide. But what if the church did take it upon themselves to do something about the ravishing disease claiming the lives of thousands and impoverishing millions more suffering alive with the disease? Well, you guessed it, a team of people from numerous churches, denominations and backgrounds are doing that and calling for area churches and supporters to join them. The concept? Reach out to the AIDS community of Western New York with a no strings attached event, speakers, concert, art showing and gift of love to those suffering with the devastating effects of AIDS with the hopes of building bridges between two estranged communities.

The meeting place? Buffalo’s Elmwood Village. The host church? Lafayette Avenue Presbyterian Church at the intersection of Elmwood Avenue and Lafayette. The historic church led by progressive urban pastor DrewLudwig whose non-traditional approach is getting a lot of attention from churches and ministries with a heart to reach what some say is the center of Buffalo culture—The Elmwood Village. Ludwig has opened the doors of his church to numerous community groups and Christians wanting to reach out to the community. The AIDS initiative headed up by visionary Mark Schnitzer who works as a Prevention Counselor at AIDS Community Services of WNY and Brothers McClurg frontman Chris Hoisington say this event is something that the church needs to get behind. Taking place at 6:00PM December 2, a day after World Aids Day, Mark explains that it was the death of a 24 year old man he knew suffering from the disease that broke his heart for reaching the AIDS community, “I felt that the evangelical church in America hasn’t done enough to help. I want to help people to change their attitudes to the sickness and get churches involved.”

AIDS not only physically affects its victims, who range from the gay and lesbian community to drug users and others, but the disease obviously presents a large social stigma and leaves many victims in poverty. The event founders hope this will be the start of a united Christian outreach of love to those suffering with the disease.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Teacher's Desk: Now Open

John Mika from The Teacher's Desk
“My vision here is two-fold, one— to help children in need and two— to support teachers and say hey, somebody cares about you and somebody cares about the incredible responsibility on your shoulders. We want to do all we can to help them,” explained John Mika, Director of WNY Shares and the newly opened ministry store—The    Teacher’s Desk, both non-profit charitable outreach arms of Kingdom Bound Ministries.
     Mika went on to explain the average teacher spends between $500 and $2000 per year of their own income on additional classroom expenses. With some private school and charter school teachers making just $21,000 per year and spending their own money to make learning possible for children who can’t afford supplies, Mika explained the schools need help. It is this concern and care that led Mika and the team at Kingdom Bound and WNY Shares with the help of many community partners to open The Teacher’s Desk, a 5,000 square foot space on Northampton Avenue in Buffalo. The Teacher’s Desk includes a store with all free supplies including backpacks, shoes, pencils, notebooks and more for qualified teachers to shop free for their students in need. The space also has office space and a shipping and receiving area.  To start they will be working with five downtown schools with the hopes of growing into many more. Many area businesses, churches and ministries have come along side to assist in the effort including businesses like Walmart, Home Depot and Sherwin Williams.
     The vision came together through a series of God orchestrated events explained Mika, who has been involved with Kingdom Bound and was best friends with founder Fred Caserta since the start. “Whether I was awake or not I don’t know,” explains Mika about a dream that he had outlining the ministry God had called him to do. Mika, himself a former substitute teacher and GM  employee knew he had a calling to reach children with the gospel. So along with long time friend Fred Caserta they  founded WNY Shares in 2002, as a way to reach out and help children. The vision has been growing ever since, with the storefront it is a type of promised land for the ministry’s efforts. 
     WNY Shares is also responsible for Send a Friend to Kingdom Bound enabling underprivileged and special needs children to  enjoy the festival and A Gift for Christmas which gives Christmas gifts to needy children in the  community. To get involved as a volunteer, school, teacher, donor or business sponsor see wnyshares.org.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Third Day “Make Your Move Tour” Comes to New York.

Over the past decade, the Atlanta-based, multi-Platinum Christian rock band Third Day (made up of members Mac Powell, Tai Anderson, David Carr and Mark Lee) has racked up 27 No. 1 radio singles and sold more than 7   million albums which reflect an impressive 2 RIAA Platinum and 8 Gold Certifications. Now they are continuing the momentum with their inspiring and riveting “Make Your Move” tour that started in the spring of 2011 and due to popular demand is being extended through the fall – featuring the breakthrough pop band, Tenth Avenue North and singer/songwriter Trevor Morgan. Many of the spring shows have sold out, paving the way for a high-impact fall 2011 tour.
     The spring tour inspired sold-out crowds in numerous cities including San Antonio, Indianapolis, Grand Rapids, Cincinnati, Charleston, W.Va.; Memphis, Greensboro, Nashville, and Chicago and Jacksonville, among others.
The band has maintained its popularity by introducing new elements into its live show experience. To further engage the band’s loyal audience post-show ‘Jams’ (where the band performs after the actual concert at a nearby venue) and “photo booth meet-n-greets” are featured on selected dates which allow fans to make personal connections with Third Day members.
     Ed Lomnicki, president of EDAN Concerts & Festivals Group, offers, “The “Make Your Move” tour has left us scratching our heads and wondering, "Can it get any better than this? You get to see Third Day, at the pinnacle of its musical excellence. Plus, each artist’s music and ministry connected with the heart and soul of every person in the house; it was amazing!"
    The “Make Your Move” tour partnership with Grand Canyon University has also proven impactful, with one person at each show selected to receive a $10,000 scholarship to use with one of GCU’s online degree programs, in an effort to help advance interested fans’ higher education efforts.
     Tai Anderson, also a GCU online student, comments, “This tour has been incredible. As always, we love to get out and interact with our fans, but the element of helping people meet their personal goals through higher education is something we’ve not had the opportunity to do before. We are thankful to GCU for its partnership and generosity.”
     Feedback received through the band’s website www.thirdday.com and other key social media platforms demonstrate the impression “Make Your Move” tour has had on attendees:
     Angel Wischerman  from Beaver Falls, PA said, “Their performance blew me away. It was the best concert I have been to and words cannot express how powerful of an inspiration they are… It was the closest I felt to Jesus in a long time.”
     The success of the spring leg of the “Make Your Move” tour created a groundswell of momentum for Third Day’s summer festival appearances and its 35-city fall leg of the tour which will continue with the successful combination of Tenth Avenue North and Trevor Morgan. Nearby performances include Troy, Ohio on October 20, Rochester, NY at Roberts Wesleyan College on October 30 and New York, NY on November 20.
     Third Day has garnered 27 career GMA Dove Awards from 47 nominations, 4 GRAMMY Awards (with 11 career nominations), an American Music Award (with 3 American Music Award nominations) and multiple ASCAP honors for songwriting including the coveted Vanguard Award. As a credit to its songwriting, Third Day’s memorable “Call My Name,” off its Revelation (07/29/2008) project, was selected by country star Keith Urban as a bonus track on his Defying Gravity project. Third Day was inducted to the Georgia Music Hall of Fame in 2009.
     Due to its mass appeal on the road, on radio and at retail, Third Day has garnered coverage by media outlets including “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno” (NBC), “The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson” (CBS), “60 Minutes” (CBS), ABC’s “Nightline,” USA Today, The New York Times and even graced the cover of Billboard magazine, which called Third Day “one of the best rock bands.”
     For tickets to any of the upcoming shows visit www.thirdday.com/tour  or www.kingdomboundministries.com.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Project Urge Tour

On Saturday, October 22nd, Project URGE will host a high impact presentation and tour of Rochester’s key service organizations and ministries committed to serving the under-resourced, the abused, and at-risk youth. Guests will meet dynamic leaders of these dedicated groups and ministries, see them in action and tour some of their facilities.
     Dr. John M. Perkins, Co-founder of CCDA (Christian Community Development), will be on hand to discuss how faith-based leadership can transform a neighborhood, and will further cast a vision for discovering, developing, and empowering the community to serve in the neighborhoods where they live and work. His strategy for community development, successful in urban settings especially, targets future leaders who are already invested and connected to a specific neighborhood and gives them the tools they will need to initiate lasting change. Dr. Perkin’s impact on developing under-resourced neighborhoods and inspiring to move others toward racial reconciliation, promises to offer both an informative and stimulating morning to the greater Rochester community, and this year’s URGEnt Presentation and Tour.
     In addition, Dr. Barbara Williams-Skinner, President of the Skinner Leadership Institute will be part of the discussion and workshops. Her experience speaks for itself as president of Skinner Leadership Institute (SLI), formed to produce a new generation of leaders who are technically excellent and spiritually mature. A nationally recognized spiritual leader, teacher, lecturer and writer, she earned her undergraduate degree from San Francisco State University, and the M.S.W. and law degrees from UCLA. She has also earned the M.Div. and D.Min. degrees from Howard University School of Divinity. She is the author of numerous articles including “The Power of Love,” “Been There, Done That: Why African American Christians Resist Racial Reconciliation,” and a leadership training workbook entitled “Becoming An Effective 21st Century Leader.”
     Dr. Williams-Skinner and her late husband, the Rev. Tom Skinner, a former Harlem, New York gang leader, founded the Skinner Leadership Institute in 1992. The Institute evolved from Tom Skinner Associates, the ministry founded in 1964 by Tom Skinner, who became chaplain to the Washington Redskins football and New York Yankees baseball teams, and authored numerous books. Skinner Leadership Institute provides leadership development and reconciliation training for people of all backgrounds and faiths, especially to current leaders, students, emerging young leaders and urban youth.
     For many years, Dr. Williams-Skinner was the Executive Director of the Congressional Black Caucus in Washington, DC, made up of the African American members of the U. S. Congress who collectively represent 39 million African Americans. She is currently on the boards of Christian Community Development Association, Fuller Theological Seminary, and the Community Empowerment Equity Partnership (CEEP). CEEP, founded as a tribute to Tom Skinner, operated an Urban Leadership Academy at Ballou Senior High School in Washington, DC for five years. The Academy offered courses in moral character development, job readiness, and computer technology training, and she provides curriculum and teacher training for the Academy.
     Three additional events will further fuel an already exciting day: First off, while the URGEnt Presentation and Tour are underway, The URGEncy Collection will receive donations of gently used or new coats, gloves, hats, blankets and towels, as well as canned goods and non-perishables to be distributed to homeless shelters, soup kitchens, food pantries and other organizations serving the under-served in the Rochester area. Churches, individuals and organizations are invited to conduct collections locally throughout Sept. through mid-October, then bring their donations to 100 West Ave. (Salvation Army) October 22nd from 8:30am until noon .
     Secondly, CCDA (Christian Community Development Association) workshops will be offered in the afternoon from 1:15 – 3pm, also at the Salvation Army 100 West Ave. location. Choose one of our informative workshops: Reconciliation: Bridging the Racial Divide which will be facilitated by Dr. Barbara Williams-Skinner or Understanding Poverty, facilitated by Jim Swearingen. Both are CCDA board members and leaders.
     In addition, there will be a pastors/church leaders forum with Dr. John Perkins, Dr. Barbara Williams-Skinner, Jim Swearingen and Project URGE. The pastors/church leaders meeting will provide a forum for discussion on how churches can more effectively partner with each other and organizations to provide for transformational change in restoring neighborhoods consumed by the challenges of poverty. Both Dr. Perkins and Dr. Williams-Skinner will facilitate. Pre-registration by pastors and church leaders is required and can be done by email or phone (information listed above). The forum will be held as people are touring organization sites.
     For the eighth consecutive year Project URGE is providing a glimpse at those serving the under-resourced. Once again participants will hear from and visit a broad spectrum of organizations which include: after-school programs and summer camps for at-risk youth, soup kitchens, clothing ministries, entrepreneurial education, drug and alcohol rehab, food pantries, health/wellness and more. A partial list of the organizations includes: Action for a Better Community, Aids Care, Cameron Community Ministries, Catholic Charities, Catholic Family Center, City Vision, Community Lutheran Ministry, Community Place, Compeer of Rochester, Crossroads 441, Foodlink, Genesee/Finger Lakes Volunteer Center, the Father’s Heart, Gerhardt Neighborhood Outreach Center, Grace Community Village, Heart for the City, His Hands Nursing Center, Mom’s In Touch, Outreach Temple Soup Kitchen, Place of Hope, Project URGE, Inc. (Bread Run, Jacob’s Ladder, Mothers In Need of Others, Prayer Team, Sat. Sonshine Program), Open Door Mission, Recovery House of Rochester, Salvation Army, SMART (Safer Monroe Reentry Team), Youth for Change (Determined Divas and Good Fellas), Youth for Christ and more will be represented.
     This URGEnt Presentation event will help bring awareness of opportunities for involvement by church and community groups, as well as individuals from our community. Participants will be able to visit 4-6 sites and have an opportunity to meet with approximately 30 plus organizations prior to the tour. A continental breakfast will be offered with juice and coffee.

The trip will provide an in-depth view of the good work being done daily, as well as expose some of the profound needs in the Rochester community. Come, and be part of the solution. Discover specific ways and places that you or your group might contribute to healing the brokenness in our city.
Project URGE, Inc. is a local faith-based 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that connects and unites churches, organizations to break down barriers of poverty, race and despair in the name of Jesus Christ.

To register, contact prourge@aol.com or phone (585) 223.8340 on or before Saturday, OCT 15th.

Editor's Note: UNITE October/November issue

Once again we are excited to bring you a fresh new issue of UNITE. We welcome to this issue new contributors Ryan Loos of RKL Financial who discusses doing business God’s way on page 15, Pastor Stephen Andzel of New Creation Fellowship as well as Chris Hoisington of Brothers McClurg (formerly Relevant Worship) on page 16 who discusses the beginning of a new thing that together with UNITE, Chris and myself will be featuring and discussing with you in our  upcoming issues.
     Another new feature you will find in this issue is our MARKETPLACE advertising section. This is a key aspect of UNITE. Not only is God moving within the church, but God is doing a new thing in the marketplace and around our region there are business people that “get it.” They get what God is calling them to do through their business. The fact is, God has called all  believers to be ministers of the gospel and this ministry needs to be taking place in the marketplace. By connecting and supporting other Christians who offer products and services that you are using, you are doing a vital  service in the kingdom. It takes money to spread the   gospel. We need to come along side business people who are fulfilling their calling in the marketplace and do  business with other Christians, when and where possible.                       
     One of the key themes of UNITE is together we can do so much more than by ourselves. We introduced our  abbreviated logo as U10 meaning that as we work together with others whose gifts and calling may be different than ours but if we will let it, their gift will  actually compliment ours. Where we are weaker their gifts will strengthen us and vice versa. Working together we our effectiveness is multiplied. The fact is, this is basic Christianity 101, yet for so long we in the body have done our own thing, but now is the time. It’s time to unite.

Kyle R. Patterson

Eagles' Wings Announces River Conference

Eagles' Wings recently announced their upcoming River Conference happening November 3-5 at Love Joy Church in Lancaster, NY for their fall Buffalo River Conference gathering entitled, "Deep Calls Unto Deep."  Psalm 42:7 says, "Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me."  Though the times we are living in may seem overwhelming, we can have confidence that our God has not forgotten us and He is our refuge in every circumstance, they explained in a recent email announcement. The conference which attracts guest from around the region annually is bringing in Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda who have served together in global mission work since 1980. They have written numerous bestsellers and have led more than one million people to Christ around the world. They are the co-founders and senior pastors of All Nations Church in Charlotte, North Carolina and Atlanta, Georgia. Their television program, The Watch, presently reaches a billion households globally and Julie Meyer, a longtime worship leader, songwriter at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City, and has been leading since before IHOP’s start in 1999. She is a prophetic singer who has a heart to carry the glory and presence of God as an abandoned worshipper. While leading, Julie trumpets the message of Jesus through her spontaneous choruses, and she has recorded several albums as well as authored the book Invitation to Encounter. Other speakers include Robert Stearns founder and executive director of Eagles' Wings, a global movement of churches, ministries and leaders.  He is the publisher of Kairos magazine and co-founder of the worldwide Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem.  Stearns consults regularly with international, high-ranking government, religious and business leaders and is frequently sought out as a lecturer and media commentator.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Resource Review: Chris Tomlin--And If Our God Is For Us

Chris Tomlin returns with his much-anticipated new album And If Our God Is For Us..., which features the new single "I Will Follow" and a new studio recording of "Our God," the anthemic declaration of faith that has already spent nine weeks on top of the Christian radio charts. The new songs on And If Our God Is For Us... came from Chris’s experience as a worship leader over the years, and currently at Passion City Church in Atlanta, led by communicator and pastor, Louie Giglio. 

Resource Review: Point of Grace--Turn Up The Music

This newest release from all female popular contemporary Christian musicians—Point of Grace, features a greatest hits compilation including 14 of the group's most popular songs, along with a brand new song entitled "Hole in the World".  The Point of Grace trio consists of Shelley Breen, Denise Jones, and Leigh Cappillino.

Resource Review: Double Take by Melody Carlson

It's spring break of her senior year and Madison Van Buren is fed up. Stressed over Ivy League pressure, her parents' marital problems, and her boyfriend's neglect, Madison gets in her car and drives west. Meanwhile, eighteen-year-old Anna Bronner wants to escape the so-called simple life--which for her consists of caring for younger siblings, sewing, cooking, and gardening--and she's well aware that her future will simply be more of the same with a man she doesn't love. Suddenly, worlds collide when Madison and Anna meet in a small town, realize they look uncannily similar, and decide the grass is definitely greener on the other side.
     Readers will love this funny and provocative tale of switching places from bestselling author Melody Carlson. As they get a glimpse into two very different worlds, they may find themselves happy to be just who they are, where they are.